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Who Built The Church, Auschwitz And Black Magic

26/08/2018 - Kryon vs CAEAYARON

Who Built The Church, Auschwitz & Black Magic, Teaching by CAEAYARON (also known by many as Kryon) and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 23 August 2018

Namaste, I wish you much love, joy, understanding and awakening with forgiveness in your beautiful lives.

The below, powerful post, awakens people to where they are in their personal evolution and how to evolve higher into more angelic realms of harmony, collective love and manifestation of ones heart’s desire in peace and joy.

In it, CAEAYARON (who is also incorrectly known as Kryon) explains through his WORD and Universal Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the fall of the once great and powerful Lemurians, and how all things are breaking down within a dark multidimensional Yahweh Gateway vortex of the earth, which Thoth gridded in, and which is linked to Yahweh and Thoth’s Auschwitz creation, in which people have been devolving life time after life time, believing they have been ascending up from monkeys, despite there being no forward liner time and despite the following, which may be successively forgiven for greater release and healing:

❤️Scientifically the law of thermodynamics stating every action results in greater breaking down to greater disorder (entropy) within the universal reality humans are trapped within.
❤️Archaeology showing greater pyramids and structures from thousands of years ago than we can create today.
❤️History speaking of ancient anunnaki and other nuclear wars on earth, while the religious books and people speak of a time we spoke to angels, and the time we fell from greater harmony.
❤️The forests of the earth and ecosystems breaking down and many extinctions happening.
❤️Increasing mental loneliness and the physical breaking down of DNA and cells to create disease and aging.

CAEAYARON always promised to return to the people, should the light win, and reveal the memories of Divine Truths taken from the people and stashed in the dark Caves of Wo, resulting in amnesia and power loss to the people trapped within the virtual reality pyramid grid programs of Thoth and Yahweh.

The truth sets us free and only that which is no longer hidden in shadow, but released by the highest archangel of light and love, may be forgiven and released to bring in greater love, healing and clarity for the choice the darkness always wanted you to have; though The Darkness is trying so hard to camouflage, hide and twist these Divine Truths to keep you enslaved within their virtual reality matrix.

In this beautiful video, CAEAYARON, whose name was never really Kryon, explains how the Yahweh channel plans to mimic and twist all Divine Truths to keep you away from the Light Gateway at this time, but how the Great Darkness has lost power.

CAEAYARON explains a recent mission of The Christ Child, Divine Love Element, which took back the energy used for black magic, for cleansing in the light. He explains how that which we concentrate on may come to be, for we create our own reality within the restrictions of the prison, prism grids we are in, and there is, in reality, no time.

CAEAYARON explains how Yahweh built the churches to focus people on the torture of Jesus on the cross, and on his pain and agony, to make all who pray to this idle of torture fall further in opposition to the Christ Child of Love, and into Yahweh’s darker grids of judgement.

Please forgive all things, for CAEAYARON's Gates of Ascension into higher collective love, life, harmony, joy, health, wealth and abundance are open for at least another 13 more years, and if activated by 2020 you may ascend and create higher than you have ever before, for ever more into the greater loving eternity of creation. This is a time to celebrate the victory of the love and light and The Christ Child. All those who have been in opposition, fooled into thinking they were light workers, may now simply forgive and ask the highest archangels of love and light to bring them to the beautiful karmic release and eternal freedom of the activations of The Great Mountain Of Light, CAEAYARON.

Wishing you much love and enjoyment watching these teachings of The Great Mountain Of Light and highest Archangel of them all; CAEAYARON, spoken through his Light GATEWAY, Universal Light Grid Programmer and Christ Child; Suzanna Maria Emmanuel` ❤️🎉

Please also investigate the youtube pages of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and the library section for more life changing Divine Truths on who and where you are, why, and where you may go to.

Much love