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14th MARCH 2022 The Spiral Cosmic Wave. Could it allow a New Pathway to for for Humanity

20/03/2022 - Questions And Answers

THE SPIRAL COSMIC WAVE. COULD IT ALLOW A NEW PATHWAY TO FORM FOR HUMANITY? : Transmitted from Cosmos Intelligence Caeayaron, Sovereign Father Emmanuel, and the Galactic Cosmos Universal Love Federations by Cosmos Ambassador Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, posted on Facebook on 14 March 2022.

Taking a closer look at the DNA processes can be daunting. Where do we begin to unravel the large library of creation? Gene study on DNA has just begun, as people are beginning to understand the vast encyclopaedia of information hidden deep within our own bodies. But which gene affects which? How do they switch on various pathways? How do the genes develop once we progress in life? How do they generate information?

If we follow those questions, we come to the largest question of all which is: How do the DNA sequences relate to all of life in the universe?

Once we begin to analyze that question then other questions appear such as: Are the DNA genome sequences stored within one large cosmic spiral library? If this is so, how important is this information to us as people? Could this wave hold the answer to our own inner exploration to assist us with our own evolution? Or will we always be kept in the dark with what the greater purpose is for humanity?

The universe consists of spirals of energies with sequences of information. We are part of the spiral of information because we are part of all of creation. All humankind connects to each other in one way or another. It does not matter what we look like, what complexion our skin has or where we were born, all human DNA connects and affects each other, as all connects into mirror waves of consciousness. This is why we could say that each one of us is enormously complex.


It does not matter whether we are young or older, we all desire to discover our own deeper connections to life, to each other, as well as to the universe. This basically means that we desire to understand our own greater universal purpose and our prime soul connection to the greater universe.

Discovering ‘me’ questions could be: Who am I? What makes up me? How do I connect to the world? Does my own skin complexion originate from various parts of the universe? Could my own make-up connect directly into fossils, animals and trees?

Primary genealogy association is not easy to define nor is it easy to analyze for all people are individuals, and yet all people and all of creation connect into the same collective spiral of information. But how does mankind’s consciousness synchronize with all of creation? This is why the questions to discover ‘me’ are extremely important because our own consciousness and thoughts relate directly to all of creation on earth, as well as the events which occur on planet earth.


If it is so that human consciousness connects into the spiral of sequences which directly affects humankind as well as all of creation, then we will want to discover how to raise the vibration of global collective consciousness. Perhaps the secrets are held within the Spiral Cosmos Wave of energy. Perhaps the cosmos is patiently waiting to see if mankind will ever be ready to discover the greater secrets of the universe. Perhaps the cosmos wants people to desire peace and love consciousness to come and is waiting for many to direct their attention to the question: ‘How can love, joy and peace come to humanity?’

Could it be that the cosmos did send one messenger to speak for the universe and to show that there is a pathway forward for mankind? Is this the time when true peace and Universal Love Consciousness could happen, just as the old prophecies foretold might happen if enough people wanted change in the world to occur?

If the universe does have Cosmos Intelligence to bring mankind the answers, as to how to bring the world into peace and love consciousness, then you would expect the cosmos to approach one person on earth. Then you would expect Cosmos Intelligence to begin working with that one transmitter in public to identify that person, as well as to explain (directly through that particular transmitter) the entire universal history, which includes the original structure and purpose of all of creation.

You would also hope that the person who was assigned to be the Cosmos Ambassador would have enormous Divine Love within her heart to carry on with her assignment, to keep bringing through the Universal Cosmos Messages, despite facing tremendous resistance from the majority of the people. The Cosmos Messenger would be asked by Divine Universal Love to keep transmitting the Cosmos Messages through, even when she was faced with enormous challenging situations in life herself.


If one key messenger was chosen and assigned by the universe to speak directly to the people, then that would give people a way to freedom; provided enough people would want to hear the messages from the cosmos being spoken. But if not enough people desired to listen to the universe, then what will happen to humanity? It has already been proven from wars and suffering in the past and the present that mankind cannot guide themselves to ways of peace and love.

If Universal Love Consciousness is the ultimate pathway for mankind to achieve, then this could mean that the cosmos could work with humanity to achieve peace on earth. This could mean that an answer other than destruction to our planet could come, but only if enough people wanted to understand the messages coming directly from the cosmos brought through the Cosmos Assigned Channel or Transmitter.

Perhaps one day enough people will want to hear from Cosmos Intelligence how peace could come to the people. Perhaps it is not too late yet for many to hear the messages from the universe. Perhaps there could still be enough time left for people to change, to become part of Global Universal Love Consciousness with Universal Love Frequencies from their hearts, strong enough for earth’s own magnetic fields to change to only allow love and peace to exist on earth. Perhaps Cosmos Universal Love could find a way to reach the people on time.

Sending Universal Love Consciousness Waves, The Cosmos Ambassador, Sovereign Universal Love Channel, Divine Love Element Blue Star Frequency Channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.
This message was transmitted through from the Galaxies of Ultimate Universal Love Force Creation Energies, who are committed to allow only Universal Love to come to the greater universe.

They desire love and peace to come to humanity which is why they assigned their original ‘One’ Cosmos Universal Love Channel, who originally was called Cosmos Queen Laeayaraesea of Lemuria and the original Sovereign Universal Love Universes.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel speaks for Caeayaron’s Mountain of Light as well as for Sovereign Father Emmanuel. Caeayaron is Magnetic Life Force Energy and Sovereign Father Emmanuel is Universal Love Force Creation Energy. Together they connect into Suzanna’s Sovereign Blue Star Sun Channel to create a New Pathway for humanity.

The Galactic Federation Leader Halisarius, together with Ammorah, Pleiadian High Priestess from the Pleiadian High Council, work with their only Cosmos Ambassador, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. They have trained her for millions of lifetimes to speak for the Cosmos Universe. Suzanna’s own electromagnetic life force energy field is currently increasing in magnetic power to allow humanity to choose.

Copyright © 2022 Suzanna Maria Emmanuel®
Please feel free to share this information of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel to other people. It would be good if many began to understand how important this information is during this time. We could only imagine what the earth could become like if many joined in the love. Then we would finally be able to rid the violence and the hypocrisy and judgment from the world.

Imagine if many scientists began to see the possibilities that we originated from the star dimensions and not from earth. Then the awakening would certainly occur on earth world wide. We could then begin to see why many animals are suffering for they are trying to awaken our own biology to help us analyze how to come into peace. They are simply mimicking our own suffering consciousness.

All information is copyright protected to protect against any alterations of the Global Ascension Programme or the written transmissions or the meaning of the information. Thank you for wanting to be part of healing the earth by distributing the information.

Disclaimer and legal indemnity: Any information, verbal, written, which includes books, advertising or on any other social media platforms (including Suzanna Maria Emmanuel’s website, YouTube, or Facebook, or any other online platforms coming) released by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd (the company was formerly known as Caeayaron Ltd in England and Universal Gateway Ltd in New Zealand), or its employees (before the year 2020 and 2020 onwards), is intended to provide an opportunity for individual personal growth and insight only.

It is not meant as a replacement for any medical therapy or any other treatment. Suzanna does not claim to be a medical therapist nor a qualified counselor. Her work involves guiding people to their own greater potential. The information she brings through in any way, written, or verbal, will never promise any cure or medical miracle. She will not suggest any medical therapy or say that medical intervention is not necessary. The information she brings through supports self-growth and assists people to find their own path in life.

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd does not support religious viewpoints in any way, shape, or form. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the messenger of higher intelligence. The information she brings can assist people’s personal life journeys, with greater insight on life if they choose to apply the wisdom for themselves. How people interpret the information, regarding any information provided, is their own personal responsibility. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel cannot be held legally liable for any decision people make from any information given through her (now since June 2020) Sovereign Universal Love Channel, nor by any employees, or associates, of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Ltd.