Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Magnetic Attunements on the 14th and 15th November 2018

01/04/2019 - Testimonial Posts

Beautiful testimonies from those who attended the Magnetic Attunements of CAEAYARON with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on the 14th and 15th November 2018

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“This is my third Magnetic Attunement with Caeayaron that I have attended. Each time the Healing power has increased exponentially. As I am learning to heal others I am healing myself at the same time.

I learned to trust the healing guides. It is Caeayaron and the healing team who do the Healing. All that was asked of me was to ground and open my heart to this magnificent healing Love. It’s a course to learn to love yourself so much more. And that love and trust allows the powerful healing to happen.

Go on, love yourself enough to allow yourself to do this course so that you too can open your heart so much more and with it heal your life, your family, and the world.

Thank you Caeayaron for bringing these most powerful Healing Flows into our world! Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for teaching us and all the other Star Sacred World Healers who are also helping to anchor these powerful healing flows!

Namaste, Beate.”

Beate Smirek - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Taranaki, New Zealand and Germany

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“Far out, the knowing of magnetic healing is awesome! I knew nothing about healing before this. The understanding of this CAEAYARON Magnetic Healing, so so much to say, so much knowledge, to have the higher ones to work with us to heal, the symbols we got to work within us, being one and connecting with our symbols, always having and asking higher beings to work with our patients.

Just knowing how to heal from the starting to the finishing, everything done from the heart not the mind. I didn’t know anything about this healing but now I’ve got a fair idea but still a lot of practice but I’m very happy now because I know now! It’s awesome, beautiful. It’s starting for my journey to know how to heal many with Divine.

I thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Caeayaron and Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, the Galactic Federation Star Being Teams of Love Society, all for helping me to know the knowledge of magnetic healing.

I am very very grateful to know this and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for your patience, your time and your great love in your heart to teach us how to heal to help all humanity to rise in the love, all creation. Thank you very very much.”

Tutua Puutu - Star Sacred World Healer and Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Edgecumbe, New Zealand

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“The power of the teachings is unbelievable.

The first day of teachings left me in such a forcefield of energy that I could not move for the entire morning session, which included a break with me “stuck” in my chair.

On the second afternoon I received a long distance healing of Caeayaron which filled my heart with such beautiful love.

Thank you Caeayaron, Suzanna, and all of the beautiful Angels, guides, and star beings of love.”

Richard Sciuk - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON, Canada

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“So incredible to be part of the greatest healing frequencies on the Earth. Caeayaron has built us up with his love to become holders of an angelic magnetic healing power. The sensations that are flowing through your whole body are next level.

The heart beats with joy knowing you have a way of helping family, friends and clients. Plus it is all going to grow and magnify upwards for many lifetimes and universes to come.

Thank you Suzanna, you are such an incredible teacher. Thank you Caeayaron, Lord Emmanuel, Starbeings, Highest Guides, for being there and helping me all along the way, and I know you will continue to guide me. SOOO MUCH LOVE!!”

James Donaldson - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Queensland, Australia

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“I am so grateful for moving into the more advanced levels of Caeayaron’s University of Light. It was very fun, the Magnetic Attunements, you really gain beautiful gifts to heal self and heal others with your high loving star teams.

I was so lucky to get picked by Suzanna to have a reading from her. It was funny as it was the first time I felt my guides very strongly when Suzanna asked the students in the room. I didn’t put my hand up for a reading but then a big warm presence came up behind me and Suzanna asked me “would you like a reading?”. So I did and it was wonderful to hear my Ancient guides sharing wisdom about me and my gifts that they are going to work with.

I understand this is the only place on this planet that you can be Magnetically Attuned and Aligned with Starbeings of love to perform a new modality of Healing.

Namaste, Tim McIntyre - Grafton, NSW, Australia. Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned by Caeayaron November 2018.”

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“The beautiful amazing energy gifted to us has grown since the last time being attuned with the beautiful Magnetic flows of Caeayaron. This time the energies were more expansive yet very grounded and stable, far more powerful, yet soft waves that envelop you relaxing and opening. So many shifts, feeling the beautiful energies flowing through, releasing and healing.

The knowledge that comes through with the attunements was so great, many confirmations on many levels.

The symbols seemed so different this time, I felt the guides coming in quicker and closer and allowing and opening us up to love and connecting greatly to the collective love.

The symbols came with more clarity and built on one another flowingly, building the fields of energy, of love and raising/increasing, feeling so comfortable, like an opening, an opening to self, self-love.

Thank you so much, guides, star beings and the great collective love and all the Star Sacred World Healers standing greater in their lightboots.

Much love and gratitude to Suzanna and Caeayaron for enabling us to grow so much, Namaste.
Sandra Wosko
Star Sacred World Healer
Universal Love Teacher
Magnetically Attuned by Caeayaron (Essex, England)

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“Well Caeayaron and Suzanna, thank you once again for a wonderful 2 days. We learnt how important it was to relax to receive healings. It is so comforting to know I’m in a healing grid connected with other Star Sacred World Healers.

The desire to heal is the foundation platform, from there everything grows.

I am very excited at the thought that I’m here to help heal Earth, we are so much more powerful as a combined magnetic healing force.

We learnt how to heal and I had a lot of fun with other Star Sacred World Healers doing distance healings. This has been a very special time. I feel grateful and privileged to have received a healing.

Thank you, Carolyn.”

Carolyn Holmes - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Papamoa, New Zealand

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“I have really loved the two days we’ve had learning about healing.

We started by building greater power for healing in the streams and grids.

By growing in our own love we are able to build a strong base to be able to heal not only humanity but for our planet which at this time is desperately needed.

We received codes to help us to do this most precious work and I now know the sacredness of being able to do this. What a privilege. Wow!”

Ali Wickman - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Te Puke, New Zealand

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"Today and yesterday was so huge, nothing even comes close. I experienced so much love. I’m learning to grow in my love and becoming more of love. I feel deeply relaxed and content and I feel excited to begin using what I’ve learnt.

It’s amazing how different and more beautiful these magnetic attunements have been compared to the previous ones I attended. They have become so much more powerful and beautiful and I am so grateful for not only the magnetic attunements but for Suzanna and Caeayaron and all the beautiful star beings.

Ramon Hagler - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Auckland, New Zealand and Switzerland

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“This morning after being aligned with the Healing symbols, I feel incredibly solid concentrated, calm and focused. I feel like I am so much more in my body now and even so there is so much more concentration, my body is feeling so much lighter.

No matter how much noise is going on around me I am here now, right here and focused. And I still realise what is going on around me. Wow, so so powerful and beautiful.

The learning is huge! The new gifts are enormous! The healing is most beautiful!

Thank you Caeayaron. Thank you Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. I always feel there are no words to express my gratitude and my love to Divine. I trust Divine knows my heart and my greatest heart desires. I trust divine feels my heart jump with joy and thankfulness.

Thank you! Thank you so much!”

Kathrina Hagler - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Mount Maunganui, New Zealand and Switzerland

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“The love forcefield of power building within us over the last two days and opening to the love flows even more has been just phenomenal. Like nothing I have experienced before. I feel so much love coming within me now and it is so much easier to feel. A complete state of being in the love, an expression of love - the ultimate. The heart is open with love.

It was so beautiful to learn and be able to give and receive a healing of such magnitude on day two, and knowing how incredibly protected we are now as star sacred world healers. The healings were very strong and powerful with the most incredible blessings and gifts. Our DNA is vibrating so much higher now.

So grateful for the growth over the last two days and incredibly thankful to Suzanna and CAEAYARON for the miracle of love.”

Jacqui Snodgrass - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer of CAEAYARON - Tauranga, New Zealand

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“The Magnetic Attunements were all about power building, connecting to Angels, guides and Divine in addition to other people to heal them. Healing others heals self, so everybody wins!

We were gifted sacred healing symbols that become part of us and are unique to the course. They build immense power for healing and guidance. I felt energies flow strongly through all of my chakras and expand them, especially the third eye and pineal gland. We worked with and connected beautifully to the people in this class which really helped me open my heart and throat chakras so that I had more self-confidence and love for self and others. We learned a variety of healing ways that included stones, water, remote healing and group healing. Each method brought me deep healing and wisdom.

I am now able to connect with self, the earth, energy, and others better and more deeply in a way I didn’t think was possible. I feel very privileged to have been a part of this healing experience which was priceless and indescribably beautiful.

I feel I am now able to put myself back together and finally feel a sense of wholeness that I have been seeking all my life. I no longer feel lost or forgotten but am now part of something so great that brings me freedom and happiness. I feel these energies with me every day and every day I now see as a blessing and an opportunity to grow and learn from.

I cannot fully express my gratitude and joy for being part of this most power building and Earth healing team in the world. It is simply something you must experience yourself.”

Kaylynn Pagoria - Star Sacred World Healer, Magnetically Attuned Healer and Universal Love Teacher of CAEAYARON - Colorado, USA

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The beauty and magnificence of these healing frequencies is just growing and growing and yet CAEAYARON says we are only in the baby stages. This is truly out of this world!!!

So come and join us at CAEAYARON’s University of Light, receive back your Lemurian light mantle and headgear (your true eternal cap and gown of love, not only of knowledge), receive your life codes, your higher gifts, your eternal freedom, higher healing abilities, and so much more.

BOOK NOW for April at or email Stephen to find out more: [email protected]

Loads of love, Jacqui 💙

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