Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The Star Age - The New Creation Foundation


Welcome to the Great Teachings of CAEAYARON (Kryon). He says he is bringing the fast train of new knowledge and spiritual revelations. The old ways don't work and yet so many try to hold on to them. * The New Age is the Star Age - the New Creation Foundation. * Why is CAEAYARON saying planet earth is history? * Beginning to work with New Alignments means what? * Memories, thoughts and creation. * New Universes are coming into existence. * Memories of the Love Universes are returning. * What is Divine Will and how to work in alignment with Divine Love Will? * How is the Light Grid Programmer building power at this time? * The consciousness shifts happening in the world. * Why is the darkness able to grow at this time and what does it desire? * Why can they not destroy the earth while the Divine Love Element, Light Grid Programmer is on the earth? * What can the power of love do to change the planet with the Light Grid Programmer? * Imagine the Oneness coming to the people with strong thoughts, how could it change the earth and why? * What is paradise? * Why humans are called 'history' by CAEAYARON? * Why CAEAYARON states, 'Humans were never meant to be,' but why did it happen? * Your creation, where was it originally? * Why was Lemuria the 'resurrection plane'? * Who were the three Light Grid Programmers in Lemuria and what was their purpose? * What is love? * The channel who opposed the love and created Lucifer, who was that? * Why did that channel, who had created Lucifer, begin to envy Laeyaraesea, the Divine Love Element in Lemuria and with what result? * Why was Lemuria a mirror image of all that had previously happened in the higher universes and what role did Thoth play? * The agreements made prior to the Great Fall of Lemuria, should the great collective in Lemuria fall for the KRYON CHANNEL, but what would the outcome be because of this agreement, should the Divine Love Element rise at the time of the Great Alignment? * What did the darkness do upon hearing this? * Why is the darkness wondering why their grids are losing power? * Why the people are awakening every time CAEAYARON transmits messages through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element? * How the darkness did not desire the Divine Love Element's peace and songs in her past lifetimes? * How did Thoth programme the people to believe the teachings of THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT to be 'foolish'? * Why Thoth did not desire the people to awaken to Divine Alignment Truth through the Divine Love Element? * The human control grids and yet why is the Light stronger than all of their techniques? * How the magnetic grids are rising and are ruining the plans of the darkness? * Why the activations of CAEAYARON are important NOW and not in five years? * The 2020 alignment, what happens? * The importance of the CODES OF LIFE with CAEAYARON's Activations. * The Divine Libraries and how the Divine Activations bring you Book 1, 'The Divine Pineal Gland Activation Manual.' What manuals are coming in the future? * When are the Star Sacred World Healers of CAEAYARON blessed and powered up? * What does the survival of earth depend on now? * The protection from Divine and Galactic Beings of Love at this time to keep mankind and the earth safe. * The higher safety zone for earth's survival discussed. * How the darkness is putting sound into the earth and with what result? * Why is CAEAYARON important to bringing up the earth grids, and how does HE work with HIS Divine Love Element? * How are the earth grids rising? * Global control and reduction of population, why is this the plan of the darkness? * Love and the 'New Kingdom' rising. * Activated of CAEAYARON gain a new sound frequency and power. * Darkness does not desire the people to rise with the Divine Love Element and the Galactic Power, why? * Will your story be to watch the earth being destroyed without acting or will you see the people awakening as one, standing united in the love to bring in a whole new stream of being and see deserts coming into beauty, ...' * What was the original Divine Plan? Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's Facebook Page filled with Divine Guidance and for more information.