Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The return of the power of the 12 highest love universes


CAEAYARON welcomes you to a teaching filled with knowledge, love and higher spiritual understanding. In each teaching he gives, he brings more spiritual insight and often he answers questions the viewers have. What are some of the things you will learn during this teaching? * Being a spiritual babe versus growing into a strong spiritual warrior. * Why many are against Divine Will taking place at this time? * The freedom choice presented in Lemuria and how it created calamity for the collective of the people? Why many began to desire to become gods in Lemuria? * The Atlanteans desired their own evolution and Thoth's mystery schools. * The darkness was 'permitted' to rise first before the light could rise with the 'one' Divine Love Element. Why? * Our earth is dying faster than is understood at this time. The protection fields Divine has created around our earth are for what purpose? * Collective Love Oneness versus speaking for the collective, what is the difference? * What was the purpose of the Great Oneness in the higher love universes? * What did the resistance desire for their universes? With what result? * Why can The Divine Judge of Love, CAEAYARON, state the Divine Love Element won the universal game, and what knowledge the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer has within her to bring to the people who desire love? * The 'New Earth' are the New Grids forming with THE GREAT CAEAYARON. * The reversal of the Flower of Life. What is that? * CAEAYARON is calling out to certain people who know what about 'The Promise?' * The many lifetimes of the Divine Love Element, after the lifetime of Jesus, together with a team of lovers of truth was spent fighting against the churches to bring release to the people. * Why the Divine Love Element does not need to save mankind, but why she will stand as long as she can to bring the freedom codes back to those who desire it. * The ones who understand Divine Prophecies will understand the Sacred Pathway to allow the Return to the Divine Realms. * What the Divine Love Element told CAEAYARON about being the 'only' one to carry the Codes of Life where everything depends on the one human being? * Why the darkness argued the Universal Game to be 'unfair' if more than one Divine Love Being from the highest Love Universal spaces was sent to earth at this time? * The Promise to bring a great force of love to bring great change. What is that? How can that happen? * Why was the darkness 'clever' to create the story of Jesus as the Saviour of Mankind, and how did they desire to crush the 'Coming of The GREAT FATHER with HIS Word' in these days now? *Why churches cannot bring love and peace to planet earth? What are the churches afraid of at this time? * Why the Divine Activations are important to return to CAEAYARON's love dimensions, and why can the people not come into those dimensions WITHOUT the Codes of CAEAYARON? * The return of the 12 highest love universes. Sending you much love, hugs, eternal healing flows, to help you desire love, peace and wisdom to see how much we need Divine Guidance to become one nation, and to have love and peace on earth, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, who is The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's main facebook page with much more information regarding her work with Divine, and the importance of the Divine Activations of CAEAYARON.