Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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THE PROMISE for the Sacred People


CAEAYARON begins with the thought of the only hope that mankind has. 'The earth is dying. Mankind is in stages of becoming weaker. Earth is screaming. The seas are emptying. The Grids are shaking. Animals desire to go.' Please listen to CAEAYARON to learn these following points: * Why mankind could not listen to the warnings to bring change to the earth decades ago? * 'Dear Lord, help us.' How can Divine help us move forward and how are prayers answered? * Why people cannot expect Divine to save humanity and why people cannot expect The Word to save humanity? * How can the earth survive? Is there something that can save humanity and the earth? * Collective responsibility discussed. * Divine prophecies are being fulfilled. Are you seeing it? * Do the churches have the answers? Why do they not have Divine Blessings? * Did Jesus state he was given to mankind as a sacrifice? CAEAYARON reasons. What was Jesus sent to the earth 2,000 years ago for? * The importance of mankind coming to this 13th gateway collectively? * The inheritance of the New Creation. What did the people in Lemuria need to connect into to claim their 'inheritance?' What did the Lemurians do to 'throw away' their inheritance? * Did Jesus desire worship from the people? Does the Divine Love Element, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel desire worship from people? * Why is it important for the channel to rise? Why is it difficult for her to rise at this time and what is the desire of the Divine Love Element at this time? * Will the animals stay and can the earth be saved if the people gain their Codes of Life back with CAEAYARON? * Divine Love Element only Light Being from the highest realms to this planet? Why? CAEAYARON reasons. * The Yellow Star, a close Universal Friend of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, what did she desire and what she can do now in Spirit? What you can learn from this? * What shining example did she carry out upon the earth? * In the higher love universes, what was the Universal Play between the Blue Star and the Yellow Star? * The 'Hunters' for the Codes within the Blue Star, Divine Love Element. What did the Divine Love Element, Blue Star, do to protect the higher Sovereign Universal Codes? Who were the 'hunters?' What was the result? * What was the greatest desire of the Yellow Star, The Star of Hope? How did she work with Laeyaraesea in Lemuria? * The choice Yellow Star made between healing the physical self, or choosing to enter the higher love gates? * The Courtyard of CAEAYARON. The gift he gave to Yellow Star for her family. Her 'voice,' Angelic Codes and her unlimited evolution. * Secrets within the Yellow Star. What does it mean for those who can have their codes back for the Sovereign Universes at this time? * Darkness will always keep you restricted. * Universal Love DNA was created to build New Creation for each other, with each other to do what? * 'The Thrones of Power.' * Suffering was given by who and why? * The Father of the Choice. What freedom did he take from the Sovereign Universes? * Why the Father of the Choice was given the voice of CAEAYARON in Lemuria? * Lucifer - why the Father of the Choice called him the 'Mightiest Archangel?' In what way was he NOT the 'most magnificent one?' * The Divine Love Element claimed the KRYON codes in 2014 - its importance thereof. * How was the Universal Game finalised? * The power of the Codes to claim the Thrones of Power. What can they do for the earth? What can they do for The Oneness? * 'Choose well. This is the last time you can have 'the choice,' says CAEAYARON. * CAEAYARON brings a song through the channel for transmissions to come to the earth and to awaken the people to the Divine Awakenings happening at this time. He brings the tones through in English and also in Lemurian. Sending you much love, hugs, eternal healing flows, to help you desire love, peace and wisdom to see how much we need Divine Guidance to become one nation, and to have love and peace on earth, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, who is The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's main facebook page with much more information regarding her work with Divine, and the importance of the Divine Activations of CAEAYARON.