Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The Gift Of Life Has Returned To You


CAEAYARON, through HIS Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, speaks to the people about the importance of waking up and beginning to desire peace and love on planet earth, for otherwise it will become too late to save our planet and mankind. HE asks the people how much do they desire Divine Direction to bring love and peace to our planet, for without Divine Direction, life will cease to exist on earth. During this fascinating teaching, you will discover: * About the great purpose of CAEAYARON. * HE once again speaks about why HE needed to come through the KRYON channel first before returning to HIS authentic channel, the Divine Love Element. * Why are so many insects and animals leaving our planet? What purpose do they hold, and what is the great warning here for us? * CAEAYARON speaks about the great resistance against HIM and HIS channel, the Divine Love Element. * The Gift of Life is offered to the people, but what is that? * CAEAYARON makes it clear, that by rejecting Divine Guidance, people are wishing for their own destruction. * CAEAYARON explains how the darkness did not desire the love of the Divine Love Element in her lifetimes. * In what way is the LOVE a virus for the darkness? * The greatest sacrifice in the universe to allow the Gift of Life to return to the people - do you know what that is? * CAEAYARON brings through the importance of the prophecies being fulfilled. * Jesus, 2,000 years ago was The Word of Divine. Do you understand the one pathway upwards has returned to help you find your eternal freedom? Sending you much love, hugs, eternal healing flows, to help you desire love, peace and wisdom to see how much we need Divine Guidance to become one nation, and to have love and peace on earth, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, who is The Eternal Mountain of Light. About the Channel Suzanna Maria Emmanuel: In 2009, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was approached by Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great. She began to channel HIS messages a few months later in front of groups. In 2014, she was approached by 'Kryon' who later introduced himself, in 2016, as CAEAYARON for Suzanna Maria Emmanuel was always HIS authentic channel in her past lifetimes when she was asked to work with Divine. In 2015, CAEAYARON began to bring through the Divine Activations with Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who was always HIS Divine Love Element, Universal Light Programmer, Laeyaraesea, in Ancient Lemuria. In 2009, Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great gave Suzanna Maria Emmanuel the understanding that she was Jesus 2,000 years ago. Suzanna did not desire the people to understand this until it could no longer remain hidden. Please also see Suzanna's Facebook Page filled with Divine Guidance and for more information. To receive The Book, the 2 volumes, of Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, 'The Living Words of Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, Walking the Path of Life,' please visit