Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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The Codes of Power


HALISARIUS greets you from the Galactic Federations of Light Societies, from the Star Beings of Love, the Highest Universal Love Spaces, and the Pleiadians of Love. Please listen to HALISARIUS to learn these following points: * The protection layer mankind is given at this time. * The beauty of this time of the Great Awakening when people are able to understand CAEAYARON. * Celebrate the Word upon the earth to see her speak Divine Truth like no other can. * Celebrations in the Galactic Universes to have the Universal Love Codes back so that the New Creation can begin. * The Galactic Families feel deeply privileged to watch this time on earth. Why? * Why many Federation Commanders desired to cut the Lemurians off forever once they fell to the darkness? What did the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer do to save the Galactic Families from falling into the earth without escape upwards? * What was in the Universal Creation Codes and why was it important to find them? Who found them and claimed them back for the higher love Universes? * Why did the Divine Love Element desire to go to the deepest abyss states? To save what? What would have happened if she had not done that? * Who desires to take down the Divine Love Element and the Divine Ascension Programme more than anything? * Who desires to be the Messiah, but who IS the only Messiah? * The 'Bridge' was created by who and with what? * What did the Divine Love Element prove to the Galactic Federation Leaders who desired to cut off all the Lemurians eternally from the highest love dimensions? * The love of the Divine Love Element for the Universe is like what? * The Galactic Love the Galactic Families have. How does HALISARIUS describe it? * What can the Star Galactic Families of Love do with those who desire to work with Divine Oneness together with CAEAYARON and the Divine Love Element? * What do the Galactic Mantles have within them? How can you receive them with CAEAYARON who gifts them back at the Divine Activations? * No Codes of Life from CAEAYARON, no eternal life in the higher love dimensions, so say the Galactic Families of Love. Why? * The Codes of Life will mean our eternal life in the higher love dimensions, unlimited power to grow into, and Galactic Power as ONE. * Your karma is released with CAEAYARON during the Divine Activations. * How demonstrating Collective Love work with Star Sacred World Healers of CAEAYARON, as a Star Sacred World Healer of CAEAYARON, together with the Galactic Federations of Light, you can enter the very high love dimensions after this lifetime. * One love being managed to bring the collective to the 13th gateway. What will be her reward? Why can no one say anymore that 'it is not deserved' after this lifetime is finished? * Why no more resistance and rebellion can exist in the greater universes? * Why does HALISARIUS state to the Divine Love Element, 'Mission accomplished?' Sending you much love, hugs, eternal healing flows, to help you desire love, peace and wisdom to see how much we need Divine Guidance to become one nation, and to have love and peace on earth, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word and Author for Sovereign Lord Emmanuel The Great, and the Great Caeayaron, who is The Eternal Mountain of Light. Please also see Suzanna's main facebook page with much more information regarding her work with Divine, and the importance of the Divine Activations of CAEAYARON.