Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Science Of The One True Ascension Path


The Great Mountain Of Light, CAEAYARON, who is also incorrectly known as Kryon, gives a beautiful teaching on: ♥ How he is the greatest time keeper in all universes ♥ The endless spinning universe of balance where Galaxies are made each moment ♥ How our part only is out of balance but needs to come into harmony and unity with the cosmic alignment. ♥ The cosmic clock is ticking and the beam of light coming to the earth ♥ The ever expanding hologram containing all universes. ♥ How every universe has its own laws and standards which all fits for exploration ♥ How all universes are connected to our earth plane. ♥ How the dark cosmic laws are being studies and used to develop new universes with boundaries for the activated to live in. ♥ How the importance of activation before 2020 will not be revealed at this time and The LGP doesn�t have to do anything for anyone. ♥ How only the people of the heart are being called now. ♥ The science of The Great Shift and need for synchronicity for beings to shift. ♥ The harmonic frequencies received by the activated to synchronize with higher universes. ♥ What the Redstar and Bluestar, Stephen and Suzanna understand and why. ♥ Regular Bridlington UK open events ♥ The light languages of the universe. ♥ How only those blessed with the love codes down here can harmonize with the love of star beings up there. ♥ How your star beings mirror back what you do for them in the care the help they give back to you. ♥ The great elimination happening from the Ascension Game. ♥ How dark channels are telling people they don�t need to get activated. ♥ The theatrics of Thoth and Yahweh�s hologram in Lemuria to present themselves as Gods to get worship and feet washing. ♥ The self-appointed �God creators� and anunnaki ships which joined in the Lemuria theatre. ♥ How star beings of darkness spliced themselves up so many times. ♥ How one star beings torture powered up an entire dark universe. ♥ Thoth�s dark universes to oppose CAEAYARON ♥ Thoth�s capture of The Divine Love Element and need for Lemurians-why? ♥ The Yahweh Kryon channel gateway of Thoth�s ascension ♥ Why did Thoth need a spin doctor? ♥ How all of Thoth�s creation crashed because dark beings have dark thought creations ♥ The impossibility of humans ascending themselves when they failed in 2012 and have such dense thoughts. ♥ The science of CAEAYARON�s Ascension; The Angels, Gateway, Star & Lemurian love consciousness, activation codes of the people and harmonizer. ♥ The flame of life required for the ascension thought forms of creation, which the darkness has now lost. ♥ What is a grid? ♥ How the activated are connected to the crystalline grid ♥ Why humans cannot take on all the volts just like that. Please also see the Facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanual and ♥