Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Opening Your Deeper Powers


♥ KRYON welcomes you with his Great Love. ♥ He talks about channeling and how Divine Beings work with channels. ♥ KRYON discusses why this time is so important for Light Workers because we are learning to align more with Light. ♥ He discusses the healing that will come to the people who work with Light. ♥ KRYON brings through how evolution works in the Universe with the stars and the planets, as well as how the stars know our consciousness so well. ♥ KRYON speaks about understanding ourselves on a deeper level and becoming more conscious of our energetic forcefields for higher evolution. ♥ KRYON teaches about our healing journey and becoming energetically balanced and strong. ♥ How do you power up your own energy forcefield? ♥ How will our deeper powers open. Please join Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on her facebook page for more insight and information May you always rejoice in these times of the Great Light guiding the people back to ways of peace and love, Namaste. ♥♥