Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Opening The Higher Doors To Heal Your Life


SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT welcomes you so much with all his DIVINE LOVE and GLORY. In this powerful lesson he discusses how we can heal our life, looking at our life from a high spiritual viewpoint. He explains how we have a personal evolution plan and how we come here to learn more about love. Spiritual Lessons are greatly learned here, presented so lovingly and gently, guiding us towards healing our life. He discusses our Spiritual Lessons and how everyday we are presented with new opportunities in our life to heal. Please join Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on facebook and to receive more Divine Messages and information. Namaste and may the Great Divine Blessings always guide you and may your Angels always comfort you and bring you great joy with their Great Love. Love and Light ♥♥