Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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KRYON Claims His Light Grid Programmer


This transmission took place on the second day of the Divine Pineal Gland Activation - Stepping into your deeper manifestation codes. In this teaching KRYON reveals more information about himself and why he was created. He reveals more about this channel's Divinity and her creation and what her greater role was as a Light Grid Programmer and her Divine Self. In this teaching KRYON claims Suzanna as his Light Grid Programmer. He explains how the Light is now rising upon the earth. KRYON talks about the battle of the past in Lemuria and why this place (Mount Maunganui, NZ ) was so important to Lemuria. He gives a healing to Suzanna to help her become stronger as a channel and a healer by giving her harmonic frequencies and Sacred Light Geometry within her being. He is also helping people to remember the Ancient Lemurian energies and the three light grid programmers. To find out more about Suzanna Maria Emmanuel's work please visit her on facebook page and website. Namaste and many blessings of love, light and great joy ♥♥