Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Jesus And Your Power Loss To Lies, Ley-lines, Church Grids And Gods


CAEAYARON, who is also incorrectly called Kryon, welcomes you to this time of learning to understand Divine Alignment. He congratulates those activated before 2020, who will see many changes taking place from the safety zone of the healing grids. He explains how many of these beautiful activated people will live very, very long lives before going up in the healing grid and away from the denser universes. CAEAYARON speaks of those who will be blessed with going to the Divine Teacher Realms, and explains what they will do to be awarded with this great gift. He continues to answer the beautiful questions of the people posed to him at this time: How and why when The Divine Love Element goes up she will take all the light with her How great the power of CAEAYARON, The Divine Love Element and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL is. The love the activated will gain. Where the ones who do not want to be activated will go to. The gliding ascension stairway upwards and juddering one of darkness downwards. The security net created to stop people being sucked down to the denser spaces. How The Divine Love Element alone has never had karma on any level and is pure. How evolution happens; the life tasks of The Divine Love Element. The violet flame. Can you claim to be GODS answered? How you have many of your multidimensional selves on your planet. How you turned against the Divine Love Element, CAEAYARON and Light Grid Programmers in Lemuria and fell greatly. How CAEAYARON is here to bring you up, but does not have to. How you will react to CAEAYARON after this life time. Creator power The protection of the unactivated from the powerful thoughts of the activated, each worth energetically more than 5000 unactivated, at this time. The separation of the activated and unactivated grids at this time. How none other than Suzanna Maria Emmanuel can bring the information through of the activations, ascension, healing grids and CAEAYARON. Newsletter and on line training sessions for the serious teachers and what the interested should do before emailing Stephen with their desire and reasons, having watched this video post. The Galactic Federation Of Love Who CAEAYARON is looking for at this time and what you may to do to see if you are a leader in the making. How the Darkness created so many problems and wars through lies they told of Jesus debunked! What the Spin Doctor of propaganda in the war stated about repetitive lies becoming human truths and how the darkness used this for power. How the religions use lies to power up. How lies can create wars, money systems and annihilation. How a human bringing others into their own truth can gain much power from them. The mind games of the leaders How the Romans built power from torture and gained tax money in return. How it was stated; he who has the strongest mind, gains all the power. How the leaders, who sat higher, gained power through the cheers of the people watching the killings in the amphitheatres and how the gas chambers replicated this. The truth of Jesus, the crucifixion, Glastonbury and the Divine gate he opened. The Romans who came to Glastonbury and slaughtered so many and what affect this had on Jesus and his followers. Suzanna compared to Jesus The Game and growth of the religions. The invention of Hellfire. The Darkness, King Henry 8th, the witch hunts and religions. Homework to become more enlightened. How churches are built on ley-lines to grid in your grief and take your power and that of the buried. Please also see the facebook of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and for more information.