Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Genesis, Anunnaki And The Three Levels of Lemuria


CAEAYARON, Master Of Magnetic Forces, Flows and Stream of Alignment, who is also The Great Mountain Of Light, brings out so much new information on our creation and where we came from in this video. Please note that CAEAYARON is also incorrectly called Kryon. The Great Mountain of light speaks of: * How The Galactic Federation of Light has agreed sufficient information has been revealed for people to make a choice at this time. * The Garden Of Eden and Adam and Eve explained at last! * How creation did not happen in 7 days * Eden as Lemuria explained. * The snakes of Darkness in Eden explained. * How the people of Lemuria chose for the unknown knowledge of Thoth over the love again, as they did in the greater universes, and trillions fell once again. * The three levels of Lemuria * How the sacred Lemurians in the higher spaces, including ADAMA, never fell. * How the fallen mourned what they had lost and were ashamed after they fell and became ashamed; thus the twisted stories of fig leaves and shame. * How the fallen became very angry at Thoth who brought his Anunnaki teams to keep them in their place. * How the authorities and Thoth desired to be seen as Gods to keep the people in their place. * How Thoth modified, sucked down, and imploded the fallen Lemurians DNA to ensure they better accepted the authority, as slaves, of his new Gods. * How the Lemurians lost their way. * How the original Lemurians as Adam and Eve were perfect for they had a DNA strand of collective love consciousness, which Thoth and The Spin Doctor desired to stop so they could no longer be brought back into collective love or hold the flows of love, and therefore life. * How the Divine Love Element alone could bring the violet flame of love to earth to allow you to be here in this time of making the choice to be activated to return to the power of collective love. * How your choice now will affect your future for ever more. * Why only The Divine Love Element can do this role. * How humans live in a square within a circle. * How the Gateway is a drop so small within this which of entered together could have led to release, but Thoth created a maze within a maze within a maze within a maze to stop you finding your way out through this gateway to stop the Divine Love Element from being freed, for then he would never achieve his desire of owning the crystalline grid. * How at the time of alignment the small dot Gateway would grow greater, but after stopping you from finding it, Thoth would claim that the people rejected the light and love again. * How Thoth was already planning your next cycle stage (assuming you would not find the freedom). * How the Divine Love Element always brought light to earth, but when she started working with SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, light was brought to the dot and the game was already won. She then won CAEAYARON back in 2014 and the activations started in 2015. * How the healing Grid is CAEAYARON�s light Ship and it is right in the Middle of The circle (the point of light) * How no other channel can bring through new information now, which is to celebrated for now you can find the Divine Way, Channel and Path * A message to those who believe their human opinion is greater than CAEAYARON�s and what will happen to those people after this life time. * How the wise, who are Star Sacred World Healers are safe and can rise forever. * How there were many millions in Lemuria and different levels and gateways, as it is in the healing grid. * How the those who work hard with gratitude, healings and teaching are in the top part of the healing grid. How these can be Universal Love Teachers in the whole new creation. * The middle layer where the people do the minimum. * The bottom level of the healing grid where the people do nothing or are even resistant. * The three levels of the healing grid in Lemuria and how the greater power was within the top part. * How the high level of Lemuria build codes for Lemuria and ADAMA, Pleiadians, holders and star beings of love visited and the three light grid programmers were there. * How LAEYARAESEA built the crystalline grid from the higher levels of Lemuria and how the three Light Grid Programmers went down to bless the people with codes, Rueben harmonized in. * Rueben's games. * Magic paper, abused by the Yahweh channel. * The things the Lemurians learned and how great they were. * How Thoth saw the Yahweh channel as The Father of the Dark universes and how he let Thoth into Lemuria. * How Thoth saw the Lemurians as na�ve children and was angry that they did not worship and bow to him as Atlanteans and Egyptians, who prostrated themselves on the floor before him, did. * How Thoth desired to own all he saw. * How those who resist these teachings or think they know better have already finished their healing journey and cannot go up. Please also see the Facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel and www.caeayaron .com for more Divine information and opportunities.