Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Creating Life Using DNA


The great Pleiadian Commander and leader of The Galactic Federations, Halisarius, states: ♥ How happy he is that they are able to work more with humans at this time. ♥ How it becomes easier to work with humans as the energies rise upon the earth plane an how long he has waited for this time. ♥ How he was once a great star creating, working with DNA to bring great species of love into existence. ♥ How the beings he created were and how the relationships were in the blue universes. ♥ Attributes of the DNA they could change while beings were alive also. ♥ How in the great battles Halisarius stepped down to become The Great Commander. ♥ Where these life codes are now stored. ♥ All he is grateful for♥ I, Stephen, am very grateful for the great work and patience of Halsiarius and The Pleiadians of love and light. ♥ Please also see the facebook page of Suzanna Maria Emmanuel for more information, as well as her Crop Circle Translator♥