Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Becoming One Force Of Love Together


Ammorah, Pleiadian High Priestess talks about the Pleiadian people. She also talks about the love Pleiadians have for the people and how they used to walk with the people on our plane. She talks about a time when Pleiadians will come to the people to discover the Greater Oneness together. When will this be? What were some of the teachings from the Pleiadians given to the ancient people? Ammorah discusses the importance of us helping GAIA remember to heal the people. How can GAIA heal? What is the deeper connection that she needs? Please join Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on her facebook page to discover more about her Divine Mission with the Great Masters. Please also visit Namaste and may you always be guided in the Great Love and the Great Light. ♥♥