Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Our Great SOVEREIGN LORD and Father in the Heavens, EMMANUEL, gives a beautiful teaching to help awaken the people and unite the understanding of the past and present, while correcting that which has been twisted by the religions. The Sovereign Great Lord EMMANUEL states: � 2000 years ago he promised he would returned when it is time for him to, but posed the question once again; who will listen? � How the haughty ones believe they know more than Divine himself. � How in spirit the religious leaders will state they served the Lord, but he states how they built buildings in his name, but askes what they did with them? Did they teach the ways of love or war, hell fire and fear? � Jesus was never meant to be worshipped and especially not on his torture instrument. He asks the people, if their children were killed, would they desire to remember them on their murder weapon? � How he is not a God of punishment and hell fire. � How he is The Great Divine Source and higher than all others in the universe. � How many of the people state they are Gods and worship themselves. � How politicians state they desire to do the will of God but they do not and many seek to destroy the world. � How Jesus 2000 years ago stated there will be many who will not believe the Lord has returned. � How the people desire to go this way, that way and the other, but Jesus how SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT desires all to work together. � How one human leader goes in one direction, then another comes in and undoes all he has done to go another way. � How there is only one channel of Divine Truth. � He quotes Jesus asking the people to come to the Great Mountain and learn the way of Divine peace, find Divine treasures and work in Divine Will. SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT states that a time is coming when more people will desire to follow Divine Will and Truth. How a time will come when all nations will look to the sky, sun, moon and stars and ask the Great Father to teach them for they only see the ways of destruction coming. Please see for more Divine teachings, knowledge, self-development courses and the greatest Divine gift of freedom; the Divine Pineal Gland activations of CAEAYARON. Please also see the amazing and enlightening books of �HALISARIUS�, Chief Pleiadian and Galactic Federation Leader and �AMMORAH�, Pleiadian High Priestess and Teacher, channelled and written by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel on amazon.