Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Kryon vs CAEAYARON Evolution


An explanation of who CAEAYARON / Kryon is said to be through two different channels


Namaste, I wish you all much love and light. This is Stephen

CAEAYARON, who some know as Kryon, has asked me to continue iterating his Divine loving truths through this series of discussions, for the truth sets us free and we cannot heal, forgive, release and let go of that which is hidden.

Horus also tells us that Collective Love Consciousness is the strongest and most caring and mutual force in existence; it reveals all for the greater good. Knights of light stand fearlessly together in great collective strength in the open, while iterating Divine truths, while their opponents hide in the fear of shadows speaking other truths.

Claiming to speak for The Divine bears great responsibility, for the influence this has over so many, and if incorrect, then so much pain may result for billions. CAEAYARON (Kryon) wishes the truth to be revealed, for the truth sets us free. He will continue bringing out the Divine truths over weeks, months and many years to come and the masses will understand the game. This process is still in its infancy. We so far understand so little, yet The Great CAEAYARON will reveal all so the audiences may see and choose for themselves which direction to take. This is fast happening.

I will therefore outline two different truths on the same subject; that of 'evolution'. Both speakers claim to speak for The Divine:

 The male x-channel of Kryon states that the normal evolutionary process from gorillas, monkeys or apes led to 17 kinds of human beings evolving over billions of years. The human species became the only one, thanks to DNA genetic engineering UPWARDS from the star beings at the time of Adam & Eve. Seemingly within the last few seconds of earth’s history.

What is CAEAYARON's perspective on this?

 CAEAYARON states all things are thoughts and all thoughts were created by The Great Divine; including thoughts of beings who have free will to manifest their own thoughts into being in free will universes, and who then decided to compete with The Great Divine himself. CAEAYARON has brought these truths through his Light Grid Programmer and Ascension Channel; SUZANNA MARIA EMMANUEL, as has THE GREAT DIVINE; SOVEREIGN LORD; EMMANUEL, for she always was his exclusive channel.

 Linear time is illusion (for this is as imprisonment), All things exist at once. All imagination is memory, as all things on our plane are reflections of that which came before. We can only make real, and react to that which our senses detect; that which our consciousness tunes into. We are as karmic radios experiencing only the frequencies outside of us that harmonize with our DNA frequencies within. We reap what we sow. As we judge and hurt others we judge and hurt ourselves.

 On the Youtube pages of SUZANNA MARIA EMMANUEL, CAEAYARON and HALISARIUS; Chief Pleiadian and Galactic Federation Leader, have explained the multidimensional time loop and where all the thoughts came from to create our planet. They have explained how, within this loop, the high dimensional blue planet of love creation fell to become the darkest planet in our universe, and all things died. (Please understand there is no death however. There is only an afterlife, for energy can be changed from one form to another but never be destroyed.) A piece of that dark planet was then broken off and it became our earth. Star beings, together with The Divine, then placed all the thoughts of all that ever was into this space, so all thoughts could be explored and be resurrected back into the love which is The Great Divine, within which lower vibrations can not truly exist.

 Lemurians represented all dark and light star beings and universal plays, and they were almost all resurrected back into the love and light, bringing all universes and beings with them. The Darkness then came, and turned all against the love, harmony and Divine guidance. The Lemurians then chose for separation, knowledge without love and selfishness consciousness. They therefore fell from their higher soul codes. Darkness, who they voted in, then pumped fear and anger into them and reprogrammed their grids and DNA DOWN into greater restriction and amnesia. The Lemurians forgot who they were, and followed, in fear, the self proclaimed God of Judgement, who claimed he was CAEAYARON, and who brought all things down, together with the fallen grid programmer 'Thoth'. The male channel claimed he was The Great Divine, playing in God dimensions.

 Please note that small changes can twist and spin truths to mean the opposite. The Darkness always wishes us to believe we evolved up to the higher consciousness we are at today; a state which it calls beautiful, for it is a place of balance (love vs the pain & anger infection). Darkness desires to hide its own universal crimes and maintain us in a state of fear, where we can be controlled. It sees all things as upside down. It desires to hide our fall from angelic self to the place of restriction, pain, anger and war we are at today. It desires to hide the fall in Lemuria, which may be likened to Eden, where the reptilian snake tempted the beings away from the beautiful guided lands with the knowledge of darkness. It hides the fact that it then programmed our DNA and grids DOWN, from loving Lemurians to humans, living in density and gravity; infected with a lower self of anger and fear and suffering sickness and amnesia. We dropped from light so greatly that we can hardly even live under our own sun light without sunscreen and sunglasses. Yet Darkness wants us to believe we are perfect as we are.

 Do you really believe you came from monkeys and have evolved up ever since? Does this not presuppose we, and monkeys /animals had no higher angelic selves for much of our existence? Does this not discredit monkeys? Does it not discredit humans? Do you really believe we are molecular Lego? Why would a loving God create us, as a part of himself, on such low frequencies of pain and fear and with so little love? Why would he create sickness? Why would a being of Great Love create beings so far away from himself, with so little knowledge? Does this sound like a Great Divine being of Love, powered by love or a self proclaimed God powered by the energy of anger? An anger that can even drain batteries.

 In reality there is only one cell and one DNA, which may be replicated time and time again, modified and experienced from many different perspectives to form all life. Given all thoughts of all beings surround us, scientists living in an imagined linear time existence will always be able to find links between the DNA of one species and another. It is inevitable that they put them into a linear time sequence, for this reflects their own reality. All things are a reflection of self. ‘Hey presto!’ You then have the theory of survival of the fittest linked to evolution to prove all things came from almost nothing. All believing in this are not dark; they merely pick up dark thoughts programmed into human thought grids. This is how darkness manipulates the human; through the lower self.

The truth sets us free and we can not heal; forgive, release and let go of, that which is hidden. Only in the light of truth may we grow in the light and love, where we can harmonize with and tune into greater love. This is a time of great revelation and celebration, for The Divine Pineal Gland Activations of CAEAYARON are here to balance all karma and resurrect all things back to the love and light!

I wish you great love, light and forgiveness. I wish you great wisdom in the choices that are yours alone to make at this time.
