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Do Angels Wash Our Feet Through Unconditional Love


Do Angels Wash Our Feet Through Unconditional Love

The darkness created a picture of Angels as external beings of child-like innocence who give, give, give, unconditionally, and equally to the torturer as to the pure of heart, expecting nothing in return. Whatever, the angels would wash the feet of the people.

All things are beautiful reflections of self. Darkness is the lower self, desiring to take, take, take and do whatever it desires to anyone, without losing evolutionary privileges. It expects to be loved unconditionally, without having to do anything in return. It recommends prayer over action so The Divine may serve it with all things, while expecting the higher angelic self to love it regardless, with child-like innocence and unconditional love.

The wise know that we reap what we sow, and as we give to the universe, so we give to ourselves to evolve up higher. All things are reflections of self.

The mother of love knows give, give, giving to a child NOT to be the way of unconditional love, for she knows how this may sculpt an adult of selfishness.

If unconditional love does not give, give, give to all unconditionally, free of consequence, then what is unconditional love?

The Great Divine loves us so much that 'he' gave parts of ‘himself’ so others may experience the beauty and the love. When those parts hurt each other in universes of free will, and rejected, cursed, and hated his Divine being, who many became jealous of, instead of wiping all clean, 'he sent a part of 'himself' to be tortured throughout millions of life times, to leave a trace of love behind in its blood in each, until sufficient remained to gradually bring those fallen to darkness back to the love; to bring them home, having vented their rage and anger.

That being, who chose millions of lives of torture to allow the fallen and the torturers to rise at their own pace, to the successive levels of love and harmony they are able to harmonize with, is a being of unconditional love; THE DIVINE LOVE ELEMENT. (Please understand the Divine Love has no gender. Though we say 'he' rather than 'it', love may incarnate as either, and is often closer to the female human frequency than the human male).

Yes, she demonstrated unconditional love but it was not free of consequence; for to escape the karmic mirrors of Thoth and Yahweh, instead of praying we must become activated to hold the keys of CAEAYARON which harmonize with his love grids of healing, where all we do to heal the universe, as a reflection of self, is magnified up as blessings of our higher evolved self.

I wish you much love and great awakening


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