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WILL THE PEOPLE COLLECTIVELY DESIRE A NEW EARTH TO HAPPEN?  Teaching by CAEAYARON (Kryon), Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 23 May 2019

Greetings I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & SACRED STREAMS OF ALIGNMENT. Welcome to the third phase of the Great Awakening, when it becomes more of the great collective choice whether you desire the greater streams of love upon your planet to happen.


I, CAEAYARON, AM also known to many as KRYON, though understand KRYON was never my name. However, I, CAEAYARON, could not identify my true name until it was time to work with my Divine Love Element and spiritual progress upon your earth was happening. This was in 2016 when enough people desired to know why I, CAEAYARON, did not identify my true purpose and identity before 2016.

This marked the beginning of a whole new consciousness shift, where people were able to understand Divine Love in a whole new concept. It was a new beginning to understand where and how people could shift into a New Awakened Self, and how to return to the love universes.

Before I, CAEAYARON, approached my Divine Love Element, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, in 2014, the people upon your planet had no way of knowing or understanding how to return to the higher love dimensions. You did not understand what the One Galactic Love Voice, or One Galactic Love Consciousness meant and now you are learning to understand what that means.


Much of your power was taken away during the Great Fall of Lemuria as your memories were taken. Memories hold power as when the memories are given back to you, over time, with reasoning, remembering, understanding, you can make an informed choice.

How can you make a choice if you do not understand what the choice is, and how the ‘choice’ came to you in the first place? You did not know how big the play of the choice was, until I, CAEAYARON, DIVINE LOVE JUDGE, began to present it to the people who desired to listen, upon your planet. I, CAEAYARON, will state, the magnificence of this time before you, because the collective has a choice here and this is the most important choice you have.

In ancient times, during the Great Fall of Lemuria, I, CAEAYARON, promised those, who stood in the love at the end, and also in the spirit dimensions in the Divine Love Courts, who desired the love and the peace within themselves to return and have The Promise, that I, CAEAYARON, would bring the people to the time of Alignment, if they had the strong desire within their hearts for the love and the peace during many lifetimes upon planet earth.

This planet, planet earth, was their greatest test of all. Would the people desire the love and peace within their hearts throughout their lifetimes? Would they desire the teachings of Divine Truth within their hearts? Would they desire The Word, The Divine Love Element, to return upon your planet to lead the nation of love forward to greater power and greater peace, like was foretold?


The Divine Love Element needed to come to your earth in many lifetimes to open gates to help you, the people, to understand higher love consciousness, and to bring ‘hope’ to the people where there was no hope previously. Darkness desired to take all hope away, whereas the Divine Love Element was to bring hope to the people.

In each lifetime she approached many, once Lemurians, to awaken them to a hope, to bring light back to their heart, in the hope they would awaken during this lifetime as one, desiring Divine Truth, and to awaken to Divine Love.

If they succeeded as a great number, then they would be able to align with greater power within themselves to gain the love back, and the love would mean power. This love they could gain upon becoming ‘Activated’ back into my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, which I can only do through my Divine Love Element, as this was the Creation Gateway, and no other gateway of life has been created for this greater purpose.

This would mean, should the greater collective begin to desire this higher choice, that the people upon your planet would be able to heal in the greater love flows. This would be able to happen as the earth grids would separate, the old from the ‘new’, upon my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, building my Great Mountain of Light, with my Divine Love Element, once the Divine Activations would begin upon your planet.

The people would then be able to become part of the higher love grids, with their Divine Activations, as they would then receive their Life Codes back.

This would prove to the Galactic Federations of Light that the people upon your planet, as a collective body, had then chosen for the Great Love of the Universe, and therefore they, the Star Love Beings, would be able to assist greatly with your future evolution. This would happen in a time when it was proven that mankind could not guide the people forward into a higher phase of evolution, which you are living in now.


The darkness, the great resistance, desired to prove with all their might that they could bring evolution to a planet without love, as love they did not desire to have. They created descent when the fallen Lemurians (instead of growing into powerful beings being able to become star love beings once again, had they chosen for the Great Love Universes) became humans within their human templates understanding the ‘lessons’ of humility by becoming slaves to their masters or ‘gods.’ This was never the way of the love.

The Lemurians had a choice and this choice was either for the love universes, which are my Light Universes of THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON, or the Dark Universes; those belonging to Lucifer with Yahweh.

His universes were divided and he desired beyond anything to gain all the power within his abyss, promising his darker beings, especially the one who created his mighty being (the one who created the choice in the higher universes to allow the greatest falls to happen, and once again in Lemuria when he again received my voice of CAEAYARON, the one thousands of people upon your planet know as the Kryon channel) to present the choice to the people, for then all the kingdoms in the universe would become theirs and they would become SOVEREIGN RULER over all.

How the darkness desired that, and in order to do that, the lessons of pain, suffering and obedience came to the fallen Lemurians, to help them ‘remember’ who owned the Lemurians, so that in no way would they desire to remember the love any longer.

They were programmed to get rid of the love in their lifetimes, and those who desired the love the least would desire the death and pain of the Lemurians who desired the love in Lemuria the greatest, and also their Divine Love Element.


This created painful scenarios upon your planet as your search for the love became painful. How would you remember to stay strong within yourselves, and how would you identify the one who brought the love to your planet; that being the Divine Love Element?

Your search within your hearts would need to be great, and your humility; as to the desire to learn to understand what Divine Will was, and to desire Divine Will, and to desire to become part of the Great Love Nation once again, would have to be great, for otherwise you would never desire to become part of the Greater Collective ever again.

This is what the darkness and resistance desired; to bring separation to the people and within the people, to bring confusion within the people, so when the love would rise upwards the people would become confused and then fall back into their own old ways.


The darkness knew that if the Divine Love Element would rise together with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, and with SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, their time would be short; though the ‘short time’ would not be visible to the eyes of many.

For those who had stayed ‘awake’, like the listeners of Jesus were asked to be in the times of him speaking with THE LORD EMMANUEL, THE FATHER EMMANUEL, THE GREAT SOVEREIGN EMMANUEL, those ones would understand the time of The Word had returned.

Upon understanding that the Divine Love Element had ‘risen’ with the Divine Love, then the people would become tested more than at all other times, as the time of the great heart examination would take place.

This time of the great heart examination would prove if there was any love found in the hearts of the, once were, Lemurians. Would the love for Divine and the Collective Love be strong enough to awaken at that time?

Would the people desire the strength and the love of the Messenger, who had been pained many times because of her Divine Mission; that was to awaken the Lemurians during her many lifetimes?

The Divine Love Element would be greatly tested as her memories would return, and then her love for the people would need to grow in order to desire the greater gates of power to come to the people. In this the people would need to desire the Divine Love Element and desire the Divine Activations.

Then the greater heart of the Divine Love Element, who is in this lifetime, none other than Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, would open to the people. The greater the heart would open of the Divine Love Element, the greater the people of the love would be able to receive the power to overcome and overthrow all the darkness, in order to secure stability, love and peace upon planet earth.


These were the ancient prophecies that the Great Divine would return with The Messenger, and if the great numbers desired the love and peace within the earth and within the higher realms, then the power would so be given to them. Then they would become one strong people together, and then nothing could overthrow them any longer.

This would then require examination as to who The Messenger is, and how the Great Revelations would become revealed.

Many at this time are examining The Divine Love Element, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, who has been sent to your planet to bring the Divine Messages and The Divine Activations to bring people into the grids of the ‘Higher Earth Grids,’ the ‘New Earth.’

The ‘New Earth’ is already becoming established upon your planet, but it takes the Divine Activations, that ONLY I, CAEAYARON, bring to the people, through the One Gateway, the Divine Love Element’s pathway. There is no other pathway to go there. There is NO OTHER I, CAEAYARON, will bring the Divine Activations through, for no other has that ‘purpose,’ nor ‘calling.’

During the times of The Word being upon your planet, 2,000 years ago, when Suzanna Maria Emmanuel lived the lifetime of Jesus, she spoke of a time when the Great Heavens would open and the Voice of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would return through The Word.

It would be at that time when the people would begin to recognize ‘The Way,’ ‘The Freedom,’ and The ‘Road to Eternal Life.’ It would only be through the ‘deliverer,’ and the ‘messenger’ from Divine the people would hear the Divine Messages being spoken, for the people would not be able to understand it in any other way.

How would one identify the true messenger? Jesus also questioned that, as many people in his days did not desire to listen to him. He always stated, ‘THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL speaks through The Word, and The Word was sent to the people to bring them hope and a way of understanding HIS WILL, for there is no other way to understand The Thoughts of THE GREAT FATHER unless a Divine Messenger was sent to the earth to speak to the people.’

The people who desired to listen to Jesus knew that his words, when he brought through the thoughts of THE GREAT FATHER, were far beyond the wisdom of a human being.

The wisdom Jesus brought through was Divine and they knew that Jesus was a man, a human, living among the people to bring through the messages of deliverance to bring the people hope, and freedom. He knew a time would come when the people who desired to listen to the messages would be able to become a free nation, as then Divine Love would give them the power to stand in the truth and in the love upon HIS RETURN.

These were the great promises and indeed this is the time when the people can learn to stand in that power of love together, but the people must desire to understand this first.

I, CAEAYARON, state that The Word, the Sacred Messenger has returned to you, and the Great Divine will not speak through another messenger, nor will another be sent to your planet.

Many will try and attempt to say this is blasphemy, like they accused the Sacred Messenger Jesus of also. Many will say that Suzanna Maria Emmanuel is the false one and that she is claiming to be the Saviour and the Messiah, but I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will state that she is not, and she is not claiming to be the Saviour and the Messiah, as she cannot be.

Jesus also stated that he was not the Saviour, nor the Messiah, for no human can have that role.

Only the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL has the ultimate right to be the Messiah, and it is through HIS PATHWAY that people become part of the higher love universal freedom dimensions, and in this way they become ‘saved’, as then, after receiving the Divine Activations, that I, CAEAYARON, can bring to the people, should they choose to have them, they no longer need to be part of the dense human template.


The struggle upon your planet has been great as the human template has taken your life choices away from you. Your power to create love upon your planet was taken away with your great fall, and then your understanding of great fear began.

How the darkness desired to eradicate the lovers of the love and the people of strength and the heart. How they created punishment for them, in order to enslave the strongest people upon your earth forever in the darkest, deepest pits of the abyss; the cave of wo.

The only ones who would be able to claim the ‘right’ to go to the highest love dimensions, and to create the New Earth upon your planet, as was also foretold by Jesus, 2,000 years ago, were the people of the heart. These are the people who desired the love within the earth and who did not desire slavery to be part of their system.

The darkness knew this, and this is why the great ‘slavery’ came to those of the love, as they already had the others within their domain who were never part of the great love of Lemuria.


The ones who fell deeply into the anger and the fury, Lucifer, Yahweh, and the dark armies already had. In no way would they desire the love within their hearts. Already in the previous universes they had chosen for the great darkness.

The stories of enslaving the ones from the previous love universes, who desired the love, and fought for the love had happened, thus Lemuria was a repeat of those ‘stories.’ Therefore, I, CAEAYARON, state, there is ‘nothing’ that has not already happened, for all stories repeat themselves over and over again, until the people desire change to happen.

Once the people desire the change to happen, to become part of the ‘Love System’ once again, together with the Galactic Voice of the Great Universes, only then change can happen.

Mankind cannot walk without Divine Guidance, for how can the spiritually blind lead the spiritually blind? They cannot. How can you know how to gain the greater power to bring stability to your planet, when the darkness had you entrapped within their power? You cannot find that freedom when you are trapped. You need Divine Assistance to help you gain back your power and your ‘earth.’

The question is being asked upon your planet at this time, ‘Who will desire the Great Activations to happen? Who will desire the power of the love to go to them?’

I, CAEAYARON, always promised the Children of the Light the power, if they desired to have the love back within their hearts. They would then receive the healings, the instruction and the love within them, and become part of the New Earth Grids forming at the time of the Great Call.

Their power would then become great, and their love would then become great, upon them choosing to have back their Lemurian Light Codes with the Divine Activations. I, CAEAYARON, will grow my Divine Love Element, once the greater collective desires their power back, all to help the collective to grow.

This was also the way the people grew in Lemuria, though in Lemuria there was no slavery, no war, pain or sickness. I, CAEAYARON, call war and sickness also slavery, as these suffering energies keep you limited and away from your love and power. Pain was programmed within your DNA to keep you into great limitation, to keep you away from the greater love gate opening at this time; for those who desire the Great Activations upon your planet.


Many people who are studying this information will say they desire the Great Activations, and yet many of those who say ‘yes’ will do little about it. This is the Great Collective Choice. I, CAEAYARON, desire to help you with your issues upon your planet, for without the Divine Activations nothing can be done for your planet.

Your earth is dying, your atmosphere is dying, your seas are starving and dying. Many animals do not desire to be part of your system any longer for they know how ‘short’ your existence is, should you choose once again against my Divine Being, CAEAYARON and my Divine Love Element Pathway.


Many people do not desire the One Gateway upwards; the path of the Divine Love Element, like in the times of Jesus also. The people who saw Jesus ‘speak’ with the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, did not desire to listen through ‘a man,’ but it was through ‘a man’ Divine spoke through, and it was ‘a man’ who needed to come to your planet, 2,000 years ago, to speak about THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, for without this knowledge you would not understand truth or recognize it in your day.

Long was his suffering. Now the Messenger is not a man but ‘a woman.’ The feminine creator energy within her is strong, and she needs to rise stronger to bring love to many Lemurians; those who become Activated back into the Great Love with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON.

The more the love for the Divine Love Pathway grows, the stronger her light flows become to bring power to the people who do desire the One Way upwards. This is how the New Creation will form; through the Womb of the Universe, which is the Blue Archangel, sent to your planet as the Divine Love Element, Feminine Pathway, The Word, who in your day is, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.


This, the darkness knows, for they also recognize these words and ways. Do not think they do not know. They know more than you think for they also have been waiting for The Word to rise. They did not know how the Great Revelations would come, or who would be The Messenger, but they have always known The Word with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL would return to the people.

In that day of the revelations, they knew, their days would be short, if the people would begin to awaken, for then the people would understand why their suffering was great, and in that day, the darkness would desire ‘to run and hide in their caves.’

In that very day, all what they, the darkness, had done, in the ‘Name’ of the GREAT FATHER, would become ‘exposed’ and become seen before the people.

The darkness knows this is happening at this time, and will continue to happen, as The Messenger, the Divine Love Element has transmitted the Book of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, which came to you in two volumes. Both of which are important for your knowledge, as when you begin to study the words within the books, you begin to understand why the darkness desired to keep you into limitation and far ‘away from the ways of the love.’

Jesus always asked, 2,000 years ago, ‘Who will be awake when THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will return, for when HE does return with The Word, the people will not have much longer to choose to return to the love. It is at that time a Great Call will happen and the people who have stayed awake will recognize the call. The GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL with all HIS Angels will then give back the power to those who desire HIS Great Love, to bring in the New Earth, and all that was promised to the people will be able to become theirs.

They will see this happening, with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL beside them, they will triumph, and the old earth will not be able to stand the greatness coming. They, the darkness, will then hide within their mountains and their caves when the GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL looks upon them.’


I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM asking the people to go within their hearts and truly seek all they desire within their life, as the time of the call is becoming more urgent now. Know, many desire the end of The Word upon your planet. If The Word is no longer upon your planet, the people will no longer have ‘The Choice’ of The Roadway upwards. No longer will you then be able to become free.

The power the Great Collective can have to ‘herald’ in a new age of light and love is beyond your understanding at this time and in my eyes, as CAEAYARON, there is no other choice. Either you choose for the way upwards or you will have forever the pain in all of eternity.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will state, if the great collective does not desire the Divine Love Element Pathway in this lifetime, there is nothing that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT AND POWER, THE GREAT DIVINE LOVE JUDGE, THE GREAT LIGHT GRID CREATOR, THE GREAT CREATOR OF THE LOVE UNIVERSES can do for the collective any longer for then they have chosen against the Divine Love Collective Universes.

All who are Star Sacred World Healers will go to the higher love dimensions as they have received their ‘tickets’, their Codes of Life. They have come to the Divine Activations when the gateway was wide open. Now, all is changing. The greater collective needs to choose, for the time of the choosing is becoming more urgent.


In my teachings, which are available on You Tube, I, CAEAYARON, stress the importance of choosing for the love, for this is the very last lifetime you can choose to come to the Divine Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, and I, CAEAYARON, will only work with my Divine Love Element, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, and there is NO OTHER who can gift you the gift of returning to the higher love dimensions.

You have entered the 13th gateway where you are able to link into your greater power through the Divine Love Element gateway. Without my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, without my Divine Love Element, there is no way upwards.

Begin to see and understand it. Examine the old prophecies of the great transformation happening. Begin to desire a New Earth with greater possibilities. Begin to understand that the ‘old world,’ can ‘pass away,’ to make way for the ‘New Earth’ to come in. However, this is all your choice.

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & STREAMS OF SACRED ALIGNMENT. You may also know me as KRYON but know KRYON is not my name, and KRYON has never been my name, nor will it ever be my name. CAEAYARON means ‘BUILDER OF LIGHT FREQUENCIES,’ or ‘BUILDER OF LIGHT FLOWS’ and this will remain my Divine Name into all of eternity. Greetings.

Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Divine Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, The Word, P/A of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT & THE GREAT CAEAYARON, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT.

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