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The Universal Choice of Alignment.

23/10/2018 - Kryon vs CAEAYARON

The Universal Choice of Alignment. Will you desire to ‘hop’ onto it? Teaching by the GREAT CAEAYARON (KRYON), transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 23 October 2018

Greetings and welcome to the Times of the Great Alignment happening. I AM THE GREAT CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & STREAMS OF ALIGNMENT. You may also know me as KRYON, Magnetic Services, as I called the channel, that you know to be the channel of KRYON to bring you to the Universal Choice.

Know that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM CAEAYARON, and KRYON was never my name, however, because I, CAEAYARON, DIVINE LOVE ALIGNER, could not reveal my true purpose and true identity until my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer (the very channel I AM speaking through now), could become called, I could not bring my purpose through to you until this time.

Understand that that one who I called to work with my being; the one you know to be the channel of KRYON, is no longer working with me. I, CAEAYARON, needed him to open up DNA pathways within you and within the earth grids, to allow you to come to the Universal Choice of Alignment, as he had closed off the DNA pathways to stop you from ever rising to the love universes again.

Know that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, do not use him any more. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, only work with my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, who is my true authentic channel, and always has been, in the times of Lemuria also, as in the higher star realms. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will not work with anyone else upon your plane.

Understand that I, CAEAYARON, began to reveal my true identity and purpose through the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, in 2016. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, began the Divine Pineal Gland Activations upon your plane with my Universal Light Grid Programmer in 2015, and now you are entering a Sacred Gateway in 2020. Those who BECOME Divinely Activated with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON (and I, CAEAYARON will only do that through my Universal Light Grid Programmer), can become part of that Universal Sacred Gateway Alignment in 2020.


The time of Universal Cosmic Alignment has arrived, and now the Universal Choice Path is opening greater to help you understand the Choice, the time of the choice, why the choice was placed before you, and the cost of the choice; the fight for the ultimate freedom which was ultimately to see if there could be ultimate freedom WITHOUT DIVINE GUIDANCE. That was the path of the great darkness; the great resistance, who fought hard to remove as many beings from the love universes as possible, and therefore, as a result, you fell hard. Once you removed yourself from the love in Lemuria as a great collective, again you fell.

Now again, you are facing the Universal Choice of Life. Will you desire to rise to the love collectively, and receive your Life Codes back again, or will you fall harder as the Great Alignment of All Cosmic Universes is beginning to become greater?

Once the 2020 Gateway closes to the Highest Love Universal Realms, then other gateways will open to other dimensions, but the people who become Star Sacred World Healers after 2020, will never receive the power of reaching the Universal Love Universes.

Only the Star Sacred World Healers who become Divinely Activated before the 2020 Cosmic Alignment will receive the Codes of Life, the Star Gateway Codes, to reach the very great dimensions of love. If they demonstrate the great love within their hearts for the Galactic Collective Love, they can become Universal Love Teachers in the greater realms of love.

Each time a gateway closes, other dimensional gateways open. At this time, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, welcome all lovers of truth and love who are becoming Activated Back into their Love Codes before the year 2020. I call them the WISE ONES OF THE EARTH PLANE, and they will become WISER in all realms coming. They will also become wiser upon your plane in their lifetime now; as deeper knowledge paths will become a part of them.

They will receive greater spiritual gifts to work with on very great levels to help mankind to rise, as your people need the WISE ONES and the SPIRITUALLY GIFTED ONES. Truly blessed are the Star Sacred World Healers of the 2020 Alignment coming and the Cosmic Alignments beyond 2020, who will grow to become magnificent within their wisdom.


You are living in the times of COSMIC TRANSFORMATION where all that the GREAT DARKNESS CLAIMED will come back to the LOVE UNIVERSES, as now the UNIVERSAL GAME HAS BEEN WON AND COMPLETED, and the Universal Divine Love Codes are returned to the Sacred Universal Love Grids of the HOLY SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT.

Hence, all who become part of the 2020 Alignment upon your plane, having received their Sacred Light Lemurian Codes back at that time, as Star Sacred World Healers, will be eternally aligned with those higher Creation Universes coming into existence, as their DNA will become coded with the Universal Love Dimensions.

The more they display the love within their hearts, and work with Collective Love to help many more people become activated back into the love, the greater their growth will become everlastingly in the greater love creation. This is a true blessing for the Lovers of Love and Truth, and this is the Great Path of FREEDOM.

This has always been foretold, and the people of the ancient knowledge always foresaw a time coming when transformation would take place.

That time is now, but how many are listening? How many are acting upon what they understand within their heart? How many have the courage to step forward and receive their Sacred Light Lemurian Mantles back, which are part of their Sacred Light Lemurian Codes?

During the November 2018 Divine Pineal Gland Activations, more knowledge will come to the earth plane, as higher knowledge gates have become opened, and understand that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, ALIGNER OF ALL LIGHT UNIVERSES, BRINGING BACK THE BALANCE TO THE LOVE UNIVERSES, will bring this knowledge, and the Sacred Divine Activations through the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, and I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will work with no one else upon your planet.

No one else, other than the Universal Light Grid Programmer, can bring through the frequencies from my Divine Love Being, or the information on this high universal path level.

This is because the Universal Light Grid Programmer was sent to your plane, from the Divine Love Realms, to bring you the Way, the Truth, and the Freedom. Through all lifetimes she came to your planet, she brought with her the wisdom, and the Sacred Violet Flame, to help you, the Lemurians who were gridded into the mirrors of the darkness, come to this pathway; that being, the pathway of the Universal Choice. However, are you awake to see it, or will you stay fast asleep within your ignorance or resistance?

Only the people who are spiritually awake will see the path opening before them. Only the people who have enough love for Divine Love within their heart will desire the pathway of the heart.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, together with SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, created the pathway to the Divine Love Universes. Do understand that when you come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, you are receiving eternal freedom in all universes coming.


This is what the one, who called himself ‘THE CHOICE OF THE FREEDOM,’ the one who swallowed up trillions of light beings to become the Angel of Magnificence, the one who became the Dark Gateway, the one who received my Divine Voice of CAEAYARON in the ancient land of Lemuria, to bring his desired ‘Choice’ back to the people to see if he could still swallow their light and bring them into the Abyss of his being space, the one who I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON called upon your planet, the one you know to be the original channel of KRYON, desired to keep you away from; the path of the Universal Divine Choice.

You do not understand how significant this time is. Nor will many of the people upon your plane desire to come to the highest love frequencies the universe can offer you at this time to release you from the pain dimensions, because you have become programmed with denser thoughts and denser spaces.

For those who do understand it and are awake to it, and are coming to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, their heart frequency is at a level to be able to desire the love back within their heart and to come to the path of the True Sacred Love Heart.

During the November 2018 Divine Pineal Gland Activations, it will be truly a celebration for all who are attending, as I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will help them to understand the true path of healing self. Their understanding will grow, their spiritual awareness for the love will grow, their manifestation powers will grow, and they will feel the evolution coming within them.

During the November 2018 Divine Pineal Gland Activations, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, with my Universal Light Grid Programmer, will bring through information and frequencies to bring more healing to the Activated of my Divine Being, as all is collective transformation once people become Activated Star Sacred World Healers. As the Divine Pineal Gland Activations come within the people, so do all present Star Sacred World Healers rise within their abilities and knowledge, as I, CAEAYARON work with the ONENESS within the Healing Love Grid, to strengthen the people who are Divinely Activated.

Understand, how I AM aligning the Star Sacred World Healers to their higher abilities to hold the flows of the 2020 Alignment coming to bring it to themselves, to your planet and to awaken mankind, to allow all things to come into ALIGNMENT.

The Star Sacred World Healers, who are working to hold the flows of the Universe during the 2020 Alignment coming, will be eternally blessed in all universes coming, for collectively, as a united group of Star Sacred World Healers, they will hold the flows of Universal Love, which are the frequencies from my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, as I AM the LIGHT FREQUENCY BUILDER.

Understand the path. They are coded to hold the flows of my Divine Frequency flows in the universe, to bring Great Alignment within themselves for their everlasting evolution of great love. No one else upon your plane will have the Divine Codes of Love to claim this in the Divine Courtroom.


Many, who will not have the Sacred Codes of Life after this lifetime has been completed, will come to my Divine Courtroom with many Holy Elders of Love and will claim they have them. They will say to my Divine Being: ‘Release me GREAT CAEAYARON. I deserve to rise up with the ones who received the Sacred Codes of Alignment.’

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will look at their hearts, and their lifetime, as I AM the RECORDER of all your thoughts and motivations upon your plane and will say to them: ‘Love was not there within your heart when I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON called. Where were you when I, THE GREAT ALIGNER, called?

You cannot rise to the Great Love Gates without the Sacred Alignment Codes, as you were to collect your sacred gifts in the time of the Universal Choice. Do you not understand that you were in a Cosmic Alignment Divine Courtroom, where all your lifetimes were seen as one, aligned together?

Only the ones who worked with sufficient love all throughout their earthly lifetimes would desire the Divine Activations. I cannot, and will not, let anyone go to the higher love dimensions without the Sacred Divine Codes of Alignment.’

The ones who become Divinely Activated with my Divine Being, and work with spiritual love within their beingness, will grow within their healing abilities, their teaching abilities and wisdom, especially for the ones who become Universal Love Teachers, and Magnetically Aligned with the higher Healing Codes of the New Creation Universes.

They will feel the flows of love coming within them and celebrate their new knowledge. All is guided and well structured, and the Teaching Structure is simple to understand and yet so beautiful for you as people. If all could understand the material within the teaching structure, then certainly all would understand how important it is to receive their Sacred Light Lemurian Codes of Life back, as it means eternal life in all of creation coming, in all your lifetimes coming.

The question, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, pose to the readers of this article is: How important is your evolution to you? How important is your love for self and for all of mankind?


Do you understand exactly what this means when you reject my Divine Being, CAEAYARON? If you are rejecting my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, with my Divine Love Element, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, cannot give you back the gift of the Divine Love Universes. I cannot bring you home to the eternal love dimensions, where freedom and love only exists.


You do come from those high spaces originally. Do you not understand that? Where do you think your soul light was created? Why was it created do you think? Was it not created to bring more beauty and love within all of universal creation? Were you not built in universes of power to go and explore further freedom, love and beauty?

All that was yours to discover, before all your soul light was taken over by the one who insisted the choice of freedom was good in all universes.

It was so, that by taking your freedom away, it was good for that one who called himself ‘THE CHOICE OF FREEDOM’ as it gave that one greater power to destroy all freedom within the universe.

The only one who had freedom to do as he wished was that one who called himself the CHOICE OF FREEDOM and his large team of dark beings, including Thoth, who brought pain to trillions of light beings, many times over. Do you not think he will fight to keep you into his depth of programming? He, and the team of the great resistance and darkness, will not desire you to become activated back into the love.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will ask you this personal question, and yet a pertinent question at this time. Where will you be in all universes to come, if you do not have the Codes of Life, and Codes of Cosmic Star Alignment, to come back to the Star Love Dimensions?

Now is the time of the Universal Choice, and the Star Dimensions are welcoming all who desire to reach out to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations which only I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, COSMIC LOVE CREATOR, CREATOR OF LIGHT GRIDS, CREATOR OF LIGHT SOULS TOGETHER WITH THE DIVINE LOVE ELEMENT, can to bring more beauty and power within the beings, to continuously build the universes into greater love expansion and greater power and ONENESS of purpose, harmony and love.


What are you choosing for then, if you do not desire to be part of the NEW STREAMS OF ALIGNMENT? Know you have until 2032 to decide to receive your Lemurian Light Codes back again. Once those gates shut, then eternally you can no longer go to those very high love dimensions.

This is the great gift of the Universe. However, is your heart of love open enough to understand it, recognize it, or even desire to come onto the highest love path?

During the November 2018 Divine Pineal Gland Activations, all who come will be rewarded with beauty, love and eternal freedom gifts. They will feel power rising within them, and the magnetic flows will strengthen.

All who come to the Star Sacred World Healer Level will be part of a new programme, where I, CAEAYARON, will give information and gifts about the Light Body System for the Divinely Activated Star Sacred World Healers. Much information will become revealed, and you have been longing for this information to come.

Understand that only the ones who are Activated Star Sacred World Healers are being aligned upwards to the very high Star Love Dimensions, very similar to how you were aligned through the three Sacred Light Grid Programmers, the Sacred Messengers in Lemuria.

Before the ‘choice’ came into Lemuria you were aligned upwards, and almost you were ready for the Great Alignment Gate, where all Cosmic Star Gates were aligning upwards to receive you home as Sacred Light Code Carriers, to bring greater evolution into the universe, and be part of the rebuilding of the love universes to bring greater power and strength and love within you, to bring you into Creator Beings, where you could have had your own universes to play in and learn how to form life on the higher love dimensions.

However, you decided not for the ‘Universal Love Choice,’ but you, collectively, desired to be part of the universes of Thoth and the one who received my Divine Voice, CAEAYARON, in Lemuria who called himself the ‘CHOICE OF FREEDOM’ in the universes.

Understand that I, CAEAYARON, asked LAEYARAESEA, DIVINE LOVE ELEMENT, LIGHT GRID PROGRAMMER in Lemuria, to give my voice to that one, who made all things fall with HIS CHOICE OF FREEDOM. He had made himself the GATEWAY OF THE DARKNESS in the Universes in existence before Lemuria came into being as many chose his way, so also the choice needed to come to the Lemurians.


The test of consciousness would see if the Lemurians desired to come back to the Love Universal Creator Realms. Alas for you, the Lemurians desired to have the false promises of illusions, power and knowledge. They believed in their false ‘Ascended Master Status’ promised to them; that being the ‘human template,’ the ‘Master Race’ of the Darkness. The Lemurians were promised Angels would worship them for their power.


Instead of the New Lemurian beingness coming into existence, they became the fallen ones, the ones who fell into his dark gateway, into the cave of wo, and wo it was indeed for the Lemurians, who cried within their heart, for ways to escape.

In your days now, this same one, who claims to still channel my being, though the name was never KRYON, do understand that, as my name was always CAEAYARON, claims to bring a new evolution dimension into creation, whereby you can become the NEW HUMAN in your lifetimes coming.

Know that this is mirror image to the promises in Lemuria. Understand the human path was for you to discover the pain of the lower dimensions, as you chose to be in the choice of that one, who gave you the CHOICE OF FREEDOM.

Have you not understood enough pain yet? For the Cosmic Alignment is coming. In the future, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will discover with you the way forward for the human race, but it is not like you think, and it is not about the NEW HUMAN coming into existence. All must be transformed.

Understand that the human cannot exist without the Light of the Divine Love Element, as she is the life of all of creation.

When THE CHOICE OF FREEDOM, together with THOTH, together with the SPIN DOCTOR, gridded the DIVINE LOVE ELEMENT, CHRIST CHILD, within the FLOWER OF LIFE, connecting all the Lemurians into the Merkaba system, into the FLOWER OF LIFE, you became trapped. All is becoming reversed now, and METATRON no longer will feed the lower grids of consciousness, as now he is working for my Divine Being, CAEAYARON.

Understand then, on this path, that the human will not evolve like many think it will.

Always the home for the Lemurians was in the higher star realms. You were not supposed to drop to the human existence. You were not supposed to understand fear, suffering and torture. THE CHOICE OF FREEDOM, together with THOTH, together with the DARK COMPANIES OF THE DARK REALMS, were not permitted to bring torture to any of the Lemurians, especially the Divine Love Element, Light Grid Programmer.

They have not upheld their promises. Instead they lied, cheated and stole the light from the universes. Now all is being claimed back, to bring the love universes back into existence, and to bring the Lemurians, who become activated back into their Star Love Lemurian Codes with my Divine Being, to the love universes, which is transformation. Understand, transformation to become a star being requires Divine Power.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, have not seen any of the promises of the Darkness come true. I have seen what the human has suffered and endured. I have seen the denseness coming within the beings of the light. I have seen what they did with your memories to keep you locked into their darker ways.

This is why the GREAT FALL OF CONSCIOUSNESS happened in LEMURIA, because of these false promises of the Great Resistance. You desired for the denser universes, the universes of resistance, without love, and hence, your pathways were realigned, not to the love universes, but you became feeding systems to the dark universes, and hence you fell into his human template, the Master Race of Thoth and Yahweh, Yahweh being the one who called himself the beautiful one, ‘THE CHOICE OF FREEDOM.’

Here I, CAEAYARON, will say, that when they began to understand that the Human Template was not their ultimate Master Race, they began to devise many other plans, not for your greater good. Many DNA pathways were taken away from you, to make you forget your true selves, your true paths.


The one who was known in the universe as the CHOICE OF FREEDOM was worshipped by many dark beings, for he made them powerful by giving them ‘his light’ he took, by swallowing up trillions of light beings. That one was the self-made dark gateway, and he became very powerful as the dark gateway.

You are in that dark gateway at this time, and thus all upon your earth is devolving. When do you desire to come out of the dark vortex you are in? When do you desire to come out of the dark energy, the black hole of Yahweh? When will you awaken?

This is a time of Realignment, a time to help you remember, a time of deep forgiveness, for those who are beginning to remember how much was taken away from you. Helping you to remember those times of Lemuria, and how it fell can be the greatest gifts for you at this time, as helping you to remember will wake you up. But will it wake you enough to make the Universal Choice and become Reactivated with my Divine Love Being, the GREAT ALIGNER?

Will your heart desire to come back to the Love Union of the Sacred Heart of the Divine Heart of the Sacred Crystalline Grid? Or will you stay separated and dense?

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM posing questions to awaken you to your choice you are making. Please understand this message with all love for you. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM the GREAT AWAKENER, and I desire to bring all those who desire to become part of the Universal Love Creation, into their Divine Love Codes once again, to help them to rise back up again as Sacred Beings of Light in the Universal Love Creation.

If you desire to come to the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, please act now dear friends. You will give yourself the greatest gift you can possibly give yourself; the eternal freedom.


Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel,

Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer of the GREAT CAEAYARON
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