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23/07/2019 - Latest News

THE TIME OF THE SUN CONSCIOUSNESS RISING, THE EARTH AWAKENING, 2020 ALIGNMENT, THE FLOWER OF LIFE AND THE UNDERWORLD Teaching by CAEAYARON (Kryon), transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, CAEAYARON’s Divine Love Element and Universal Light Grid Programmer, 23 July 2019

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, STREAMS AND SACRED ALIGNMENTS. Welcome to the times of the Great Revelations.

I, CAEAYARON, AM also known to many people upon your planet as KRYON, MAGNETIC SERVICES, but know that KRYON was never my true name. CAEAYARON was always my true name and the Lemurians and Atlanteans certainly knew me as CAEAYARON. They understood well, that I, CAEAYARON, AM the Eternal Flame of all of the Great Universal Divine Dimensions and also the Eternal MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT where all love universes live within.



In Lemuria, I, CAEAYARON mainly worked with my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer. The people, when they felt my rays of magnetic forces through the Divine Love Element, they knew I, CAEAYARON, AM Divine Love as the love flows poured into them, via the magnetic grids, when they were in the presence of LAEYARAESEA, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer.



Today, LAEYARAESEA is known to many as Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. Know, that LAEYARAESEA had a large task to fulfil once the Great Fall of Consciousness happened in Lemuria, as the Lemurians no longer had access to my Divine Being, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, as their Codes of Life were cut away from them.

This meant, no higher Divine Love Guidance could come through any longer, within the Lemurian consciousness who fell from Lemuria and Atlantis or human consciousness, as those Living Codes were removed, as per collective choice agreement at that time.

Many Lemurians sacrificed their Living Codes to the dark self-made channel who stated that I, CAEAYARON, created weakness within the Lemurians, and that he, 'the almighty one,' he claimed, could bring you into the NEWLY ASCENDED TEMPLATE, THE NEW LEMURIAN. You are able to see the result before you. All fell into the deep abyss, into states of pain and slavery. Now I, CAEAYARON, AM giving you the Choice, the Living Choice for Life. 



Because the Lemurians, as a Great Collective, did not desire Divine Guidance from the GREAT DIVINE CREATORS, who are my Being, CAEAYARON and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, no human could access Divine Love Consciousness upon your planet, except for one who was sent to your planet to gain the Living Codes back for all of creation and for the lost Lemurians.

This one was always the Divine Love Element, LAEYARAESEA, or as she is known today, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.

As the man Jesus, she needed to come into those days to help the people understand the LIVING WORDS OF SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT. The people in those days heard Jesus ‘transmit’ the thoughts from THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and this is why the people heard THE GREAT FATHER speaking to them. Jesus was the Divine Channel and only one, ever, was sent to your planet to be that channel for Divine Alignment.

I, CAEAYARON, have stated this teaching many times but the people still do not understand this vital point.

**No other Divine Channel was sent to your planet, other than the Divine Love Element, to bring Divine Truth to your planet.**

This is why it can be stated, no Divine Truth existed until now upon your planet, for all Divine Truth became twisted by the darkness, time and time again, until now. Darkness did this to stop the people from awakening to Divine Truth. Divine Truth became twisted and it was used to create pain, confusion and suffering not love and peace.

Now is the time for all things to become revealed before you. This is the biggest test humankind faces at this time; ‘Will the people desire Divine Truth Alignment and be guided to the highest pathway upwards?’



Many people upon your earth are confused when they read this message. They complain and they whine because they have always believed in their own belief systems, or within certain people who are, or were, upon your planet in the past, and state, ‘But CAEAYARON, this cannot be. Surely this person, or that person, or that belief system is Divine Truth? How can it not be?’

Understand the games of consciousness upon your planet. All through these times only one was sent to your planet with Divine Truth Alignment, and each time she came with truths the darkness used the teachings from the Divine Love Element to celebrate their own thoughts.

Look at the teachings of Jesus; how twisted they became. Many worship Jesus in your day with crosses and with prayers, but Jesus was a man of flesh and blood, never the Saviour. Even he himself taught that. He stated, ‘Bow to no man. Even Angels do not desire to be worshipped.’

Yet the people believe Jesus somehow is the Messiah and the Saviour, so they are praying for his arrival to come. How do you think he would return to the people, would be my question as the Divine Judge, CAEAYARON? Do you think he would return in the clouds, like many believe him to return?



Even if you saw him today, as he appeared 2,000 years ago, how would you recognize Jesus? Many claim, upon your planet, they were Jesus. Many people are deceived because they think Jesus looked and spoke a certain way, and when people mimic a certain look and a certain way, according to a certain belief of what Jesus may have looked like, or was like, the people truly believe it is so.



How deceiving all things are. Yet, Divine Truth and Divine Purpose will always remain. Jesus was a channel, THE CHANNEL of Divine, and yes, Jesus would return to be THE WORD, THE VOICE for Divine Love in the time you are living, for it is in these days the people need to see, as it is only THE GREAT DIVINE who can ‘save’ the people and the earth. No human can.

However, we as Divine creators NEED OUR WORD TO BE PRESENT with you upon your planet, for how else can we speak and direct attention to the matter, that your Life Codes are necessary to step into the eternal love flows of the NEW CREATION? We needed our messenger to be with you at this time.

Jesus never stated that he, as a man, could save mankind or the earth. He stated, ‘I am just a man of flesh and blood. I am no more than you are. Stop bowing to men, but instead look within your heart, for THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will be found within your heart. Upon finding the higher path of love, know you are following the Voice of Love. Look, HE will return with THE WORD in the times of the Great Revealing, when all will be seen. It is then that THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL will begin to show all things and examine all hearts. Those who have remained in the faith and in the hope of HIS GREAT RETURN, HE will see. They will know HIS voice, and they will hear HIM speak when HE speaks to the people in the same manner you hear HIM speak now (2,000 years ago).



Many of his followers (2,000 years ago) understood that Jesus was a ‘transmitter’ of the words of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Often Jesus would talk about this, and the people were truly amazed at his ‘talent’ to be able to speak to the people with higher thoughts from Divine Love.



No one else in those days held those talents, those gifts. They did not understand channelling as such, and this is what upset the spiritual leaders in those days as they did not understand it either. They stated that Jesus had no right to ‘preach’ to the people about the NEW KINGDOM coming, because this NEW KINGDOM was not in their teaching, nor was it in their thought systems. How could Jesus then bring out new teachings that the people had not heard before?

This brought much pain and ridicule to the man Jesus, and Jesus needed to forgive THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL for placing him in such difficult positions. Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, the Word of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, and indeed THE WORD of my Being, CAEAYARON, also needs to forgive us very much for placing her in many difficult positions as we are bringing out the Great Revelations and teachings the people have not understood before.

However, in your days, more people are open to understanding what a channel is. Imagine living in those days, 2,000 years ago, when people did not understand. Many of the people believed him to be ‘mad’ and others believed him to be ‘evil’, deserving of death. I, CAEAYARON, will state that there are those upon your planet who believe Suzanna to be ‘mad’ and ‘evil’ also, bringing through Divine Love Alignment teachings from Divine to the people.



Hence, The Word has returned to your planet to bring through a higher way of living. It is so, that now all things are beginning to be shown more. What is dark and what is light? Always the darkness challenged Divine with that question. ‘How can the people understand light from dark when no light is within the realms? Likewise, if all understand light, then the darkness will remain hidden, for the darkness cannot prove itself to be stronger, nor weaker, if only the light exists?

This is what the self-made dark channel reasoned within the Divine Courts and the beings who were present as witnesses. They, the darkness, desired to make a case, to show that their side was ‘stronger’ than the light.



In your world now, the Divine Love Element is rising with the teachings from Divine, and indeed it is creating an impact, not only within the consciousness of the people who understand the teachings through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, but also within the earth grids. Understand that I, CAEAYARON, AM the greatest frequency creator and each time I, CAEAYARON, bring messages through, such as this particular teaching, I, CAEAYARON, bring it within the earth magnetic fields to allow all of mankind to hear it on a certain frequency; to help them awaken.



I, CAEAYARON, AM the GREAT REVEALER AND THE GREAT AWAKENER. All people upon your planet run on frequency ranges. You all carry a magnetic field. The ones who lived in Lemuria carry a much stronger magnetic field than all other humans.

The ones from the original Supreme Universes, who worked closely with the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, in the Divine Realms for greater creation to happen, carry a very high magnetic frequency, especially the ones who were the Star Creators of their realms. They carry within them a very strong magnetic ray, which allowed them to develop certain abilities and strengths upon your planet that few others could, all during your human journeys. They are and remain the strongest of all of creation upon your planet.

I, CAEAYARON, will state, that the love fields of many animals, not all animals, but many, are much stronger than many humans have upon your planet. They are here with you upon your planet desiring to awaken your love fields, so that you can work with Divine Flows which are coming to your planet, to help you understand your greater path.



Understand, I, CAEAYARON, have only begun to work with your earth’s magnetic fields, as I AM preparing the way forward here. I AM going to step into your earth grids to help align all belief systems upon your planet. All who work with Divine Love Purpose, through the Divine Love Element Gateway, my Universal Light Grid Programmer, will receive the greater gifts, now in your lifetime and in all lifetimes coming, for that is what I AM, THE ETERNAL GIVER OF ALL LIFE STREAMS AND ABUNDANCE.

Understand, the spiritual night has ended upon your planet, as the Eternal Sun is rising. The ETERNAL SUN OF LIGHT RAYS are shining to bring all darkness into the ‘light’ so that all can be seen and realized.

The people who desire to truly work with the love consciousness, once they have received their Living Light Codes back, will be able to work with the new streams of consciousness coming, and the new light flows, which are entering your earth very shortly. All others, who are not activated into the higher universal streams with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, through my Divine Love Element, cannot. I, CAEAYARON, AM preparing the way now for my Great Cosmic Alignment to happen in 2020, which is a much greater alignment stream than has ever happened previously upon your planet.

2020 will mark the beginning of a whole new consciousness. The ones who work with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, together with my Divine Love Element (as I, CAEAYARON can reach the people only through the Divine Love Element Gateway, as all in creation was created in that way), will be richly rewarded with greater streams of life.

Already, the Divine Activations have begun upon your planet, and I, CAEAYARON, always stated how blessed they are; those who already are activated at this time. Those who become activated from now on, especially the ones who come from the original Sovereign Love universes, will be greatly blessed, and I, CAEAYARON, cannot state enough times the importance of this.



Your earth has been ‘dead’ spiritually for a very long time. Since the times of the Great Fall of Consciousness in Lemuria and Atlantis your earth fell greatly into the death abyss. She never was created to exist within all your pollution, especially your thought pollution. She was created to keep her creation upon her planet strong and healthy, to evolve into greater streams of strength.

She has a planetary DNA system. Her DNA system was created by higher beings of love, to keep all on her planet healthy with strong DNA systems. She did not desire the people to die in sickness and suffering, for how can she then help them access their higher DNA systems upon their dying and suffering? She suffers too when people suffer. When there is war upon your planet, she screams out with pain as she feels the trembling of the people and the earth. She knows when war is near, and she will shake with her might to awaken the people to warn them not to allow the wars to continue.

Her greater Divine Mission is to allow the streams of my Being, CAEAYARON, to enter within her, which is what she is feeling at this time. She feels the Divine Love Element rising, she knows the Divine Activations have begun and she knows all the Universal Creation Codes have been aligned and returned to the GREAT CREATOR, THE GREAT SOURCE OF LOVE, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL. Her earth grids, the power-grids, have been connected up to the higher grids to allow her to feel a greater connection to her greater self, which she has not been able to connect into for so long.

Because of this great earth grid alignment, she has been feeling the expansion within her fields happening and desires the people to remain ‘living’ now, more than ever, as she knows the importance of the Living Codes of the people for those who become activated with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON.



The ones who become activated into the Eternal Light Streams of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, become ‘activated’ with a New Sequence of Light Streams. I, CAEAYARON, state that although I call it ‘New’ here, this New Stream is Ancient, as it is from the original universes before they fell into the death cycles.

These Sequences work with the Living Codes of the higher planetary systems, and also with your earth, as your earth is part of the greatest planet within all of creation; that being the Blue Planet of Creation. This Blue Planet had all the original Living Codes from the Living Libraries of Creation, which is why your earth is so important, as she holds all LIVING LIBRARIES WITHIN HER. When you become activated upon the earth, you are opening to your own living libraries within the higher love universes and you become part of the NEW CYCLES OF CREATION COMING.

Understand, when I AM speaking about Divine Activations, I AM speaking about Activations through the Divine Love Element Gateway, as this is the GATEWAY OF LIFE. Many people claim to have had activations through the KRYON CHANNEL, and indeed they have, but they were the DEATH ACTIVATIONS, as the KRYON CHANNEL was always the self-made pathway of DEATH without a way upwards.



This is why Thoth desired to work with that one dark channel who received the voice of my Being, CAEAYARON, in Lemuria so much. I call that channel, the KRYON CHANNEL, the ‘eternal death channel,’ eternal that is, until he CHOOSES TO ALIGN WITH THE LOVE. This is his choice. Therefore, I, CAEAYARON, will never say that he is judged to a particular path, for he is not. All is within his choosing also. Until that time comes, I, CAEAYARON, will call him the ETERNAL PATHWAY OF DEATH, because ever since the Great Falls within the Universe began, trillions and trillions of your lifetimes ago, he created that pathway for you; that of death.

Death allowed all energies and memories to become ‘sacrificed,’ to give the darkness more power. Thoth was able to grid those energies in and take more energy away from the ones who became ‘locked’ within his underworld.

His underworld is also called the Cave of Wo of Yahweh. Both play very much in this arena, and I, CAEAYARON, will bring out more teachings about this in the future, because it is time to awaken. Neither of them could do it without the other, for it was both their wishes that they ‘reigned’ over the underworld, because they believed the people would be forever locked into the deepest and darkest of abyss.

The only being who could ever bring Divine Pathways of Life would be the Divine Love Element, as she was gridded in deeply within the Flower of Life of Thoth, which gave her access to the lower grids of the abyss; those being, your earth grids. Because all the Lemurians received the Living Codes from the Universal Light Grid Programmer, LAEYARAESEA in Lemuria, she was able to reach the Lemurians and create the Violet Flame to allow you to come to this time gateway; that of the 13th gateway, to allow you to choose.



** Do you desire to become part of the eternal love dimensions within the higher love universes with your Codes of Life; that only I, CAEAYARON can gift you, through the Divine Love Element Pathway, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel? Or will you stay within the old grids of DEATH and not want a higher pathway to form upon your planet?*

Please know that I, CAEAYARON, AM carefully seeing all things upon your planet as this is a crucial time for consideration.



Transmitted through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Designated Ascension Channel, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, The Word, P/A of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT & THE GREAT CAEAYARON, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT.


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