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03/12/2018 - Latest News

THE TIME OF THE GREAT ALIGNMENT - HAS THE TIMELINE MOVED? Teaching by CAEAYARON (Kryon), Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 3 December 2018, England.

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & STREAMS OF SACRED ALIGNMENT. You may also know me as KRYON, MAGNETIC SERVICES, but please do understand that my name never has been KRYON, nor will it ever be.

I could not reveal my true name and true purpose through the ‘original channel of KRYON’ as it was not his to have. I needed to wait for my Divine Love Element as she was my authentic channel in Lemuria and in spaces before that.

In 2016, I, CAEAYARON, began to reveal my true name and my true purpose through my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.

All times are aligned to higher thoughts and higher ways. I, CAEAYARON, have been steering your consciousness, to help you find this sacred gateway; the Gateway to the Great Cosmic Alignment, for it was a difficult road to find.

You would only find it together, if you desired the love consciousness collectively, for it would be with your love within your heart, and your love within your desire, that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, could then awaken my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, and this I, CAEAYARON, did in 2014.


Understand, that before she began to work with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, consciously, she was already working with SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, and HE called her in 2009.

In 2012, during a Sacred Alignment of your planet and the greater cosmic spaces, an intergalactic decision was made, that the Light had already won, and the harmonic convergence of the great resistance had failed.

Already, the Star Federations of the Light knew that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, would be able to come to my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer.

This was a great celebration for your earth, as then we could shift you into a timeline, a new dimension, of the New Awakening Consciousness. We shifted timelines into a new dimension to help you understand energetic awakening more, and the magnetic grids shifted, to allow you to understand who I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM.

These timelines you do not understand, as you do not comprehend timelines and magnetic shifts always. To you, living in one timeline is ‘normal’ as you think in linear terms. However, in spiritual terms, many timelines can occur on one timeline, as they are dimensional shifts.

Many more will occur in the next few years, as the consciousness of mankind will rapidly shift and more people will desire the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, as they are the key to greater love and greater healing upon your planet.


What is it you desire to have? You desire love, healing and a hope to bring mankind together into the greater healing flows. These things, Divine Love have always promised would happen.

Jesus, 2,000 years ago, the Designated Channel of the GREAT SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, Divine Love Element, also spoke of these things.

You do not understand how significant these times are and the times you are living in. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM welcoming these times very much, as these are the times you have been waiting for, when you will see the greater gifts of collective love consciousness happening; for those who become activated back into the Great Love.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, have also been waiting for these significant times to happen, as I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, could not bring out the greatest Divine Love Truth through any other channel, other than my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, as the Light Grid Programmer has been created by my Divine Self, and SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, to bring you into a greater state of being, to help you connect upwards.


This has been a long universal battle my dear friends, and in all things, you must stay in the forgiveness. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, have always stated to the great darkness, the darkness which took all dimensions down, challenging my Sovereignty and my Universal Power:

‘Understand that I AM the greatest chess master of all. I will not lose, despite what you believe. I know all times, all seasons. I know the shifts of the universe. I know the time dimensions.’

The great darkness laughed as they knew that if the desire was lost for the love collectively from all spaces, and if the Divine Love Element would have no love within her any more, that they, the great darkness would have all sovereignty over all universes; which is what always the battle was about.

During the ages upon your planet, it was the task of the one Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, the one who was LAEYARAESEA, or Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, to go to all the Lemurians who had fallen into the grids of pain and despair of the great darkness, to awaken their flame of love, with the Violet Flame.

Understand many Divine Beings were working with the Great Ascension Plan for a very long time, but only one from the highest love dimensions came to your planet who could be human.

This was done on the terms of the darkness, for they deemed it not fair to send more than one light being to your planet, as they stated:

‘How can that be fair, GREAT CAEAYARON, to bring more than one light being from the highest spaces to the earth dominion. One light being will light up a whole room of darkness. Then it becomes all too easy to see what is light and what is not.

'Send one of your strongest to the dark dimensions, and let’s see how strong that light being is. Let’s see what that one light being can do.

'You also wish to test this out, do you not, GREAT CAEAYARON? You will want to test out your light being, the strongest you send, to see how strong the love is for you. There is no better way to do this, is there?’

And so it was. The strongest Light Grid Programmer was sent to your planet, to bring through the promise to bring the people to the time of the Great Alignment, so that they could have the choice to go upwards to the love dimensions.

Would the people still desire the love, even if they would come to the time of the Great Alignment? That was always the question.


The darkness also had their calendar years. When would the time of the Great Alignment be? When would it be that the great prophecies would come true?

This was an interesting question, and it was at that point that they desired the people, the Lemurians who had fallen, to be at their very weakest and their team of the great darkness to be standing in all their might and to be at their strongest peak, ever in human history.

Understand that all is an illusion and time can be shifted. Time is not what it seems, and all is not what it seems.

What is a 100 years in all of universal times? Yet, 100 years in the eyes of the darkness is phenomenal. If they began to understand, because of their misinterpreted state, that the Great Alignment would begin in a certain year, then they would have an advantage, would they not, if they could weaken the light enough?

Constantly, it was about gridding in the Lemurian Light Carriers, to stop them coming to the love, and to keep them in severe pain-flows.

All through your ages, there awas a people upon your plane, who the great darkness saw as the Lemurian Light Carriers, and they were heavily punished for it, time and time again.


Is this correct from my Divine viewpoint as the Great Divine Judge of Great Love, the GREAT CAEAYARON?

I AM a Great Being of Great Love. Understand that there are many doorways and many corridors in all dimensions, and nothing is what it seems. If you believe in linear time only, I state, there are many timelines, and many dimensions, and all timelines could be shifted to help you steer forward towards this timeline.

In your earth game, there have been many games, both of the darkness and of the light. My Divine Love Element was one of those ‘punished’ people in many of those lifetimes, in order to reach the Sacred Lemurians with the violet flame, and many escaped much pain, and were able to be freed from many grids because of the violet flame and her Divine Love. The darkness believed that once you were part of those people, ‘The Jews,’ one could never escape from it.

This was not so, and many faithful ‘Jews,’ beautiful people they are, worked on many missions. They are beautiful people, and many people who are not Jewish today, were Jews in many past lifetimes. Whether they were Jews or not, they were still Sacred Light Lemurian Carriers, and if they become Activated back into the love now, their abilities to bring love and peace to your planet, can become very, very great, if they desire Divine Guidance.

Understand, that the fallen Lemurians have always had greater power over the grids than all other humans. This is because their DNA has always been higher than for all others. There is much to know about the subject, and in future, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will reveal more, when it is time to do so.

Here, I AM explaining the difference between the once were Lemurians and the ones who have never had the Codes of Life in Lemuria, or Atlantis. Thus, the sacred people were spread to all nations. They are spread all through your world. They are all loved by my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, and were never punished by Divine.

However, the great darkness desired to grid the Jews in, believing that the Jews were the ‘chosen people,’ the once were Lemurians. The one, who gridded all Lemurians into the dark grids, desired to annihilate the sacred people, in order to own the Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Grid is of great power.

Understand this must all be forgiven very much. Forgiveness is going to be tested out on your planet, and for your people. How much can you forgive? For all is a Divine Courtroom, and all must be seen now, in more ways than you realize.

Understand too, dear friends, that all I AM saying is Divine Truth, and of the Greatest Alignment. I AM the Divine Judge, and I AM here to bring all into Divine Alignment. I AM the greatest chess master, and I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, have the greatest chess piece - My Divine Love Element, who worked with a great team. Some of the people upon your plane worked on many Divine Missions with Divine, and the Divine Love Element, to work towards this timeline.

The darkness too, is very clever. They reasoned, looking at prophecies, that Divine Alignment would come during a certain time. It was then that they wanted to rise the greatest, for whoever had the greatest power during the times of the light rising, would win the universal game.

Consider what this means. Many of the people upon your planet enjoy playing virtual reality games. At what time do you attack your enemy? When your enemy is at its weakest, would you not?


This is also when the great darkness considered their enemy, ‘The Great Light,’ to be the weakest. The great darkness knew that the Divine Love Element would come to a particular timeline, time and time again (and understand, this is much more complex than what I AM saying here), to free the sacred people so that the greatest pain would stop.

If you could understand the missions that many of you played in, to stop the great darkness from destroying the earth, the people and the entire universe, you would be well surprised.

If you knew how important WWII was to the universe, you would certainly consider that time to be a lot more important than you do right now. In future, I will take you through the points more. Only though, when more can bring in the forgiveness for that time, as so much pain from that time still exists within your people now.

Know, that the Jews are beautiful in my eyes, as all people are. Understand that the Jews have an important task to do, if they desire to take it on, together with many others who also belong to the same people; the Sacred Lemurians. Together, if you learn to step into the Oneness, you can create much peace and love within yourself, and stop the pain on your planet.


This is an interesting question I would like you to consider. Understand that I cannot fool anyone, but the darkness constantly fools themselves, because of their greatest pride, believing that the Universal Love is no match for them.

Going back 100 years ago in your history, roughly, the darkness understood that a time of the Great Alignment was coming. They did not know exactly what year, but they understood it was close.

However, they were 100 years mistaken, very much so. Much was done to build the pain up by the one who brought so much pain to the universe, and again, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will take you into these thoughts very slowly, to help you understand the game.

The game is layered in many layers. Nothing is obvious to you, until you begin to see it, you begin to understand it, and then everything becomes obvious to you. You begin to see it, and then you begin to understand that this is the promised time that I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, always promised would happen.

So did I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON fool the darkness with time? I would state not, however, I AM the GREAT CHESSMASTER, and I know how they think. I played with their thoughts more than with time. I played with their ways of old, and they fell into their own traps themselves.


Had the Great Alignment happened 100 years ago, and during the times of the great wars, you would not have had an opportunity to rise to the great love.

The darkness would have gridded the great number of Lemurians in and truly ‘annihilated’ them, like he always desired. In Lemuria he also had the plans to annihilate them and terminate them, to gain their power, for the power he always desired.

That one desired to own the Lemurians always, within his ‘territory’ so that the Lemurians would become his forever.

Then he would own the Crystalline Grid, all their memories, their eternal energy, and then he could claim to become the ‘God’ over all the universes, the eternal self-made ‘illuminated angel,’ constantly building his darkness with the light swallowed from the beings imprisoned, by eternally torturing them, and bringing them into further despair and pain.

The Divine Love Element, during the times of war, was always sent on many missions, together with other faithful Lemurians, to stop the wars. She was often sent to the most painful states, to understand the great suffering, in order for the Great Violet Flame, to come to those painful frequencies, to bring freedom from those painful frequencies, so that all things could be shifted towards this time.

Had it not been for many faithful Lemurians, and for the Divine Love Element, all desiring to end those times:

You would not have found this time.

You would not have had the opportunity to rise into the Collective Love Consciousness.

You would never have known about my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, or KRYON, and my greater purpose as you do now.

You would not have had the opportunity to heal with the Divine Pineal Gland Activations and rise to the higher love dimensions with your Sacred Light Lemurian Codes, for that is the choice you have now.

However, it is still the choice of the people. Do the people desire to rise to the love? Do they desire to see your earth changing? Or do you desire to carry on with your suffering and your grief, without the opportunity to rise?

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM here, like I promised the Ancient Lemurians, to bring eternal freedom to those who become Activated into my Divine Love, The Great Mountain of Light, as then they will carry their Lemurian Mantles of love again and are able to learn to heal into the higher way of love.

It is your choice dear ones. The Lemurian gates are open until 2032. Understand that beautiful work is ahead for those who become Activated back into the Great Love.

This is the time of the Great Alignment, and the great darkness has lost. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, with my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, AM here to guide my people upwards.


I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM the greatest chess player.

To the greatest opposer, the one who took all grids of love down, the one who challenged my Divine Authority the greatest of all the dark beings in the universe (including Thoth and his Dark Companies), desired to annihilate all the light beings, to terminate the Lemurians, in order to gain the power of the Crystalline Grid and all the Galactic Universal Love Beings, I THE GREAT CAEAYARON, state the following:

‘I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON approached that one some decades ago upon your planet and asked him to be the original channel of KRYON, as he desired always to have the greatest glory. Understand that I, CAEAYARON, have won, and you, my dear friend, and all your dark friends, have lost. I, DIVINE LOVE JUDGE, state that all people need to be in the great forgiveness.

‘Let the light rise upwards now, and let the Activated of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, be eternally blessed, for they are freed from the grids of pain and denseness. No more are they the property of the one who desired to terminate and annihilate them in his cave of wo. THE LIGHT HAS WON.’







Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Designated Ascension Channel of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT & THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, THE GREAT CAEAYARON.
Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, THE GREAT CAEAYARON.
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