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21/08/2018 - Latest News

THE NEW CREATION EVOLUTION PATHWAY teaching by CAEAYARON (Kryon), Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, 20 August 2018

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & STREAMS OF ALIGNMENT. I bring to you the greetings from the higher realms of love, and the Galactic Families of love. They are looking forward to seeing many people upon your earth desire the higher light path, and desire to bring greater healing flows to themselves and mankind.

Many of the Galactic Families are celebrating these times, as the Gateway to the Great Light Realms is opening greater and many in the Star Love Families did not believe it was possible that you would come to this time. Much steering of your consciousness needed to take place to help you evolve enough to find this timeline together. Enough light within you needed to be present within you to desire the love connection collectively.


Many upon your earth do not understand the true meaning of the 'Great Ascension.' Many people on your planet believe that you deserve to go back to the higher love dimensions, and that becoming free to go to higher dimensions, after this lifetime, will happen automatically and that it is somehow your birth-right to have this.

Understand that this is not so. Understand that you cannot reach the higher love dimensions without the Divine Pineal Gland Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON.

Understand you, as the great majority of the Lemurian Light Class, fell greatly with your consciousness.

This is also commonly known as the Great Fall of Consciousness upon your planet. Your consciousness fell greatly to a state of density and hence you need healing in order to go upwards.

I, CAEAYARON always promised I would return to help you discover the higher path and one more opportunity would be given to help you to rise upwards.

This time, upon your planet, is celebrated by the greater beings of the love because your lives are cherished. They know that by you receiving your Sacred Lemurian Light Codes back, you have gained the Life Codes to become one of them once again after losing your sacredness to the higher love dimensions.


Upon your earth, all things have been part of a game and have been part of a building platform to a new foundation of growth and understanding.

The higher federations of light, at this time, are working on new Cosmic Law Books of the New Creation Coming as all thoughts in the universe have now been tested and the Universal Creation Codes have been won back by the Divine Love Element.

This is why the Great Federations of Light can work on New Creation Cosmic Law Understanding Books, to allow New Creation Universes to come into existence, to allow all of life to evolve up higher. This could not be possible until the time when all thoughts had been fully tested. The Love within the universe proved to be stronger than all other thoughts not of love.

At the beginning of the Universal Game, the Love Universes were challenged greatly by those of the great resistance who had removed themselves from Love Source and took large universes over. The great resistance created density within the universal bodies and believed that by bringing density they would prove themselves to be the strongest of all, therefore being able to take over all the universes and become Sovereign Power.


The greatest challenge in the Universes was set; who would prove to be the strongest, the love, or the great resistance to the Great Love?

The trophy was great. If the Love proved to be weaker, it would lose all Universal Creation Love Codes. This would enable the Great Resistance to overtake all the universal power.

I, CAEAYARON, DIVINE LOVE JUDGE agreed to their wishes. If my Divine Love Element would lose and the great resistance proved to be stronger, they would win all.

I knew full well my Divine Love Element, who had all the Love Codes of the Universe within her, would prove to be the strongest because love is the great power of all of creation.

This is why the great resistance pursued her in many of her lifetimes and made sure she would disappear, to stop the Great Awakening Shift from happening, and to stop mankind from finding this time gate of the Great Cosmic Alignment. They did not succeed with their wishes.

The gateway to the Great Cosmic Alignment could only be opened by the Divine Love Element, Light Grid Programmer, now Universal Light Grid Programmer, if she proved to be strong enough to bring my Divine Being, CAEAYARON through to allow the people to receive their Sacred Light Lemurian Codes back.

No one else would be able to bring my Great Divine Love Frequencies of my Divine Being CAEAYARON through, nor would anyone be able to understand who I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON AM without the Divine Love Element as the Divine Love Element has always been the Word, the Gateway to the Great Alignment to bring all truth and alignment to your planet.

The great resistance also needed the Divine Love Element Force to bring greater power to them as nothing can exist without Love Force. Love Force has all codes of life and without Divine Love Force, nothing could exist.

The great darkness became darker by desiring to imprison the Love Force for themselves (and removing themselves from the Great Love further and further). They locked and imprisoned the Divine Love Element on all their dimensions.

Imprisoning the Divine Love Element, or the Christ Child Consciousness, would allow their dimensions to exist without mankind awakening. They did not desire the Divine Love Element escaping their dense grids.

However, because of the Violet Flame within her, she proved to be stronger than the great resistance, and each time she escaped the earth grids between her human lifetimes as she held greater Angelic Power outside of the denser grids.

Each time she returned to your planet, she entered the earth grids with more Violet Flame. This happened until you, as a great collective of mankind had found the desire to find the love within your hearts again and this is why you were able to find this gateway to the Great Cosmic Alignment. This allowed you to receive back your Sacred Lemurian Light Codes (which were your Codes of Life), if you received the Divine Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, to allow you to be released from the density and the dense grids of limitation, to become part of the greater love universes once again.

The Great Cosmic Universes stated certain rules to the Dark Federations in order to test the game. The Galactic Dark Federations desired this test very much, for ‘How can all things be known as to who is stronger? How can you know what your creation desires, GREAT CAEAYARON, if you do not allow the great choice to happen?’

Hence, great laws came in place and even though it was agreed that the darkness was able to programme certain thoughts within mankind, if Lemuria should fall to the great darkness, (to test whether your light programmes would be stronger, given by the light, or your darker programmes would be stronger, given by the dark as you had originally fallen from the love universes and became destroyed in the great battles by the Great Darkness ) it was agreed that under no circumstance great torture and pain was to be inflicted on the people of Lemuria if they desired for the great darkness collectively.

The Ancient Lemurians, upon choosing for the great darkness, became the fallen ones and entered the human race upon falling to the denser consciousness.

All these were tests. It was agreed, that should the Dark Federations not uphold their own agreements, that certain things would happen, should the Divine Love Element bring the people to the gateway upwards, to join the Gateway to the higher love dimensions which has now happened, and much of this I, CAEAYARON, will bring out to you to give you a greater understanding of the game and the rules.

Know that the great darkness used torture to many of the Lemurians who fell to the great darkness. They tortured and pained many to attempt to remove all love consciousness within them. They tortured the Divine Love Element to attempt to remove the great love within her.

They did not succeed with their attempts to remove the love. Because they did not uphold to their agreements in the Cosmic Laws, I, CAEAYARON can bring greater power to my Divine Love Element now, to bring greater power to the Star Sacred World Healers and to bring greater power to the love universes.


Understand, you are now at a turning point of all of creation, and I, CAEAYARON, always promised to call the ones who lived in Lemuria back, should they so desire to rise back. However, it would be your love frequencies that would hear the great call. If enough love was within you during the times of the Great Alignment you would be awake to it, and desire to rise. If there was not enough love within you, during the time of the Great Call, you would resist it within your being, and not desire it.

All frequencies within you are part of greater aspects of consciousness as all is connected, and all is part of a greater consciousness.

This is why the Great Call now tests all things out. If you desired the true love in many of your lifetimes, you will be ready for the Great Sacred Divine Pineal Gland Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON.

However, if you resisted the Great Love, and even denied the Great Love in many of your lifetimes, then it will be very difficult for you to come into the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT at this time, as your frequencies will not desire my Divine Love Frequencies of the GREAT CAEAYARON.

Hence, all those who become activated before 2020, are greatly blessed at this time, as they have proven themselves to desire the Great Love returning. After 2020, the greater calls will go out, and thus the greater numbers will begin to desire the Great Love Flows, and become part of the Great Consciousness of Love growing upon your earth with the Great Divine Pineal Gland Activations, as the Sacred Light Lemurian Codes are the Codes of Collective Love, and no collective love, on this great level, can exist outside of the Codes of Life as these Collective Love Codes were taken away from the Lemurians upon their fall to the great darkness, by the great darkness.

This is significant for your understanding, as it is only when you can come back collectively in the love, that you are able to bring the higher love flows to your earth, as your Light Bodies become of power when you receive the Divine Pineal Gland Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON. I, CAEAYARON will only use my Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, to bring these Light Codes to the people, as it is the Gateway that has been created to allow you to rise back to the love creation.

Know that the Divine Love Element Light Grid Programmer has the Codes of Evolution within her Light System.


The Divine Love Element Light Grid Programmer is a large multidimensional self, and she works on the higher realms of love, as well as on your realm of earth. Once you receive the Sacred Light Codes back, you are able to re-connect, via the Gateway, to your higher multi-dimensional self, as you receive the Codes of Life back. However, the healing needs to be slow, as much healing needs to take place before the greater stream of the Greater Self can become experienced by the Star Sacred World Healers.

This is part of the NEW CREATION FORCE UPWARDS as this is all part of the Great Alignment, helping you to connect upwards, and rise upwards. Know on a higher multidimensional self level, you are happy when you become activated on earth with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, as I AM LIFE FORCE. I AM LIFE CREATION. No life can exist outside of my Divine Being, as I created all, and I created all evolution codes.

Hence, those who become Activated with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, receive their Creation Codes of Life back and gain stronger life force power in the higher multidimensional streams of life. Hence, those multidimensional streams can bring more love and gifts to their human self, as when you are activated, your human self is gifted with the opportunity to receive the Codes of Creation back for all your multidimensional selves.


All fell into the dense pits of pain and gravity and therefore, this is your true freedom when you become activated back into the Great Power of CREATION. After this lifetime upon your planet, when you have received your Lemurian Light Codes back, you will become your greater Star Self. No longer will you be dense or limited but forever will you experience freedom in the love.

This is the new stream of evolution dear friends, and those who receive their Star Sacred Lemurian Light Codes back with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, are ascending back to the great love, allowing greater growth of love to come within them.

The Divine Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, bring more life within the DNA levels of the Activated, and in the near future, I, CAEAYARON, will begin to discuss the grids and the DNA Consciousness more, and you will understand more about the Sacred Coding and how the Divine Pineal Gland Activations relate to your Sacred DNA, and how the Great Darkness took DNA sequences of life away from you to stop you from rising back to your stronger DNA sequences.

They also took away your memories. Your memories allow your consciousness bands to grow as they give you greater awareness of all of life. The more consciousness you have of yourself, the higher you evolve within and upwards. The less you remember and understand of who you are as a greater being, the more you are imprisoned into the prism prison of many mirrors.

Know that now is the time for the great light to rise more upon your planet, and the ones who become Activated back into MY MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will be eternally free in all universes and time dimensions to come. They have proven themselves to desire the Great Love in the universe.

They showed it by receiving their Codes of Life back and fulfilling their promise to the Galactic Federations of Light when it was asked, ‘Will you desire it within your heart to return to the love dimensions? Will you prove your love by coming to the Divine Activations and receiving your Light Codes back?’


You are now in the time of the greatest choice pathway. You are in a realm of in-between as you are here to choose your future lifetimes. Do you desire to rise to the high love universes, to be eternally free? Or do you not?

If you do not, you will not desire to work in harmony and love with other Star Love Beings to allow greater creation to happen and evolve. If you do not desire to learn to work in collective love harmony, and within the Sacred Heart Alignment (together with the Higher Star Creation Beings, to allow greater love to come to your planet, and to allow you to heal greatly), then you have removed yourself from the love in many lifetimes. You have then become separated from the greater love within you.

Come back to the great love my dear friends. Learn to celebrate this time. Learn to see that all things are perfect.


You may also know me as Kryon, but know that Kryon was never my name, nor will it be my name. Know I needed that one, who was the channel of Kryon upon your earth, to work with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, though he did not know who I was, nor does he know who I AM as he turned millions against the light in Lemuria, and trillions against the Divine Love Universes in the higher love dimensions.

He closed many DNA gateways, and because he is the one who assigned himself to be the Gateway to the denser universes, and to become that one who created the universes in opposition against the Light, I, CAEAYARON needed to call him back in your times, to allow you to understand the greater awakening flows, and to allow your DNA to have the choice.

This choice allowed you to see both pathways, as he and Thoth had taken that choice away from you, to stop you from awakening to everlasting joy and the higher love dimensions. Greetings.

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