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08/11/2018 - Latest News

THE DNA EVOLUTION PATH BACK TO THE LOVE CAEAYARON (Kryon) speaks through his Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel 8 November 2018.

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & SACRED STREAMS OF ALIGNMENT. You may also know me as KRYON but do know that KRYON was never my true name, and I, CAEAYARON, called that one to your plane, the one who you know to be the original channel of KRYON, to fulfil his obligation to reverse the magnetic pools within the earth and within your DNA so that you could come to the time of the ‘Choice.’

Understand, dear friends, you are in the sacred time of the ‘calling’ when you can come back into your love DNA and you can grow above the fear and the pain frequencies to allow you to become transformed back to love; to allow you to come back to the love dimensions.


How can you come back to the love dimensions when you are ‘programmed’ into DNA denseness without a way upwards? How can change happen within you, and for you, unless change happens within your DNA programming to ‘allow’ you to come to realms of freedom?

You have been kept in dense programmes in your world, and the true choice of ‘freedom’ and ‘love’ was removed from you when the darkness began to programme your DNA to stay dense. It is only in the last few years that you could be removed from the dense ‘bondage’ and begin to see the ‘choice’ as the ‘choice’ path opened within your DNA Pathway.

Understand that I, CAEAYARON, have steered evolution to help you come to this time, to gift you an opportunity to choose. You have been in the dense magnetic grids since the Great Fall of Lemuria when the great majority of Lemurians chose for the darkness, and hence darkness programmed you to be part of their thoughts and systems, to stop you from awakening.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM here to bring you freedom from the denseness, however, I, CAEAYARON, can only do that for you when you desire to work WITH DIVINE LOVE FLOWS. Always, it will be your choice, and the ones who are working WITH MY DIVINE WILL will be greatly blessed.

During the last Divine Pineal Gland Activations (November 2018), the people who were present began to explore how TRUE and REAL I AM as a Divine Being, and that I AM THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, the One who promised to return with my Divine Love Element, who many of the people understand to be the ‘Christ Element,’ or ‘Christ Child’ to allow you to understand a NEW PATH and to allow TRUE LOVE TRANSFORMATION to come within.

For the people who attended the Divine Pineal Gland Activations Level 1 and 2, there is no doubt within their minds that I, CAEAYARON have returned with my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer.

First of all, I, DIVINE LOVE JUDGE, wish to say how grateful I AM as a Divine Love Being, Divine Love Aligner, to my faithful Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, for being faithful to Divine in all her services, throughout all her lifetimes (especially on your earth plane as your earth-plane was particularly difficult), otherwise this time could not have happened.

It was only if all the mirrors were Violet Flamed with the love of the Blue Star Archangel, Divine Love Element of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, that you would you ever find your way home.


It has so happened, and now another prophecy will be fulfilled. This is an ancient prophecy when the Ancient People saw a time of NEW TRANSFORMATION happening, and they understood it was a NEW BEGINNING, a TRANSITION to a NEW AWAKENED CONSCIOUSNESS. They understood it was the end of the human as they knew it, but they did not understand what was to happen afterwards.

Here you are in a time, when I, CAEAYARON, AM rising with my Designated Divine Channel, who was Moses, who was Jesus and many other prophets and healers. She was always my faithful messenger, and here I, CAEAYARON, also include SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, as we are the SAME DIVINE BEING, though our power grids are built to have our unique purpose, understand that we are THE SAME MIND.

I, CAEAYARON, have been created to be the Great Aligner of the Universe to bring all universes back to the Divine Love, and I, CAEAYARON, sent my Divine Love Element, Blue Star Archangel, to your planet to help you rise back to the love, should you desire that, at the time of the GREAT CALLING.

Know that a large Divine Action Plan came into motion after all was lost in the GREAT LEMURIA. This happened when the people chose to go to the darkness, based on false illusions and promises. Their choice meant that the darkness could choose to programme you the way they desired to, and they would always state that you ‘chose’ to be a sacrifice for their dark programme.

As the Divine Love Judge I see all things with different eyes. Yes, the majority chose for the great darkness, but however, you did not choose to ‘sacrifice’ yourselves to be in eternal pain and suffering for their greed and ‘evolution’ to fight SOVEREIGN POWER OF THE UNIVERSE. You did not remember or understand their greed or their true motive.

This is why, it was ruled that my Divine Love Element could begin creating the Gateway of Alignment to your planet, and METATRON also worked along with Divine for this to happen.


METATRON desired the Divine Love Element to be in his power, and thus all of geometry was changed and altered so that each time she would come to your planet, METATRON would also gain more power.

Should she lose, METATRON would receive greater power to fight my Divine Being, CAEAYARON. However, she did not lose, and it was proved that my Divine Love Element was stronger within her heart than all the darkness combined. Each time she was sent to your planet, more Violet Flame from the Blue Archangel could be given and sent to the earth plane, to allow more love to come within the DNA, to allow the people to come to this time.

Hence, I, CAEAYARON, DIVINE LOVE JUDGE, can truly rise with my one and true authentic channel, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. She was LAEAYARASEA in the Ancient Land of Lemuria together with REUBEN, HARMONIC FREQUENCIES, and ISHMAKAEL, SACRED LIGHT GEOMETRY CODES. The three sacred messengers worked diligently to return the Codes of Life to the Lemurians after all was destroyed, and hence they could return home, if they passed the test of standing in collective love together right to the end.


Unfortunately for you, you as a great collective of Lemurians, did not desire to return to my Love Universes. You, as a great majority, believed in the one who was the dark gateway, who had swallowed your light until you became so destroyed no life was left within you any longer.

That one returned to Lemuria and he desired with all his might to have the CHOICE brought to Lemuria. Hence I, CAEAYARON, asked LAEYARAESEA to gift him my voice, as my Divine Voice allows the Pineal to become programmed; either for the greater good, or not so good, depending on the choice of the people.

When the people chose not for the greater love universes, they rejected the Path of Eternal Love. As a result of their actions they lost the Codes of Life, and therefore you belonged to the Dark Gateway, and thus he claimed you as his people.

He began to programme the denser programmes within your perfect DNA system. Together with Thoth, who placed you in his Merkaba system, and the Spin Doctor who had created the human template along with the Dark Gateway Channel, they created the DNA of the human consciousness; they created their race so that their race could feed their darker ‘god’ beings.


All that was ‘good’ before the Great Fall in Lemuria, became very ‘twisted.’ All you learned that was ‘good’ became trapped. Your layers of memories became imprisoned in the Prison or the Cave of Wo. This meant you became ‘slaves’ to the darkness.

How could you escape if there was no way upwards? How could you find true love within you when no love was found within your DNA any longer, to enable you to rediscover it by yourself? Though the darkness attempted to remove all the love foundations within the people, they could never remove that true link of the Divine Love Element, as she gifted you the creation of life with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON. The love DNA strand remained hidden within you and became overpowered with programmes of fear and density.

Thoth understood well that the Divine Flower of the Universe was the Key to all of Life. This is why he gridded in her power within the, what you know to be, Flower of Life. All your DNA was also gridded within this Flower of Life with the Merkaba System, and thus you would be eternally bound in the lower realms of life, unless the Divine Love Element found enough love within herself for the Lemurians to bring you to this time; the time of the ‘Choice’ where you could become freed enough to have the ‘choice’ once again.

Here, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM searching for the ones who desire to come back into the Divine Love Flows.

For the ones who became Divinely Activated to the Second Level over the last few days, they are feeling their evolution rising within them, and they understand how beautiful love evolution is. They are feeling their DNA coming back to life, and their bodies are becoming warm. This is only the very beginning of the love transformation.


During the November 2018 Divine Activations, higher star alignments are taking place, helping the Divinely Activated ones of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, to become prepared so that the higher universes can begin to connect within their DNA system.

This was the original coding within your DNA in your original creation, as you were never created to become human.

Understand that the human, in my eyes as a Divine Love Judge, is very beautiful, as all creation is beautiful in my eyes, but no creation in the universe was designed to have suffering within. You were not designed within your original Coding System to understand war, suffering, loss, envy, greed, disease, anger and all the frequencies of denseness.

All in the universe was created to be in pure bliss energies, to allow them to evolve in the ways of love where only freedom and happiness exist within.

Your mind was created to become part of a greater mind, as there are layers and frequencies of minds in the universe. These minds work on a collective love level, holding the deeper secrets of all universes. Imagine if you could access the higher ‘mind’ information and have the understanding of bringing peace and love to your planet and remove all issues that stop your growth from happening.

This is what I, CAEAYARON, AM offering to you as the people, but you do not understand how REAL Divine Love is, nor do you remember how beautiful it is to work together in the love flows, and to receive true ‘bliss’ and true ‘spiritual highs’ to help you to heal, become more intelligent and to understand higher thought waves.

Those memory waves were taken away from you by the dark gateway, and I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM here to remind you, to help you ‘remember’ the beauty of the love creation.

I AM inviting you to the way upwards, that only I, CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSAL LOVE CODES, can give to you. No one else can give you the gift of ETERNAL LIFE IN THE LOVE DIMENSIONS.


During the last two days of intense learning about manifestation and learning to heal within the highest love flows at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, began to speak about the story of Creation, and how the darkness desired only ONE DIVINE CHANNEL to come from the love universes.

I, CAEAYARON, began to discover that thought with them, as to why ONLY THE DIVINE LOVE ELEMENT can truly work with Divine Love to ‘Activate’ the Love DNA within the people, to help them to go upwards.

This surprised the people in attendance, as this was a question that the thoughts within the room had. They began to understand why there are many ‘channels’ upon your planet, and why there are people upon your planet, who claim to be Activators of the Pineal Gland, and why they cannot do it.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, DIVINE LOVE JUDGE, stated my Divine Case as all within your world is a DIVINE CASE, in more ways than you realize.


I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, stated to all the darkness who fought the love within themselves and worked hard to create the Fall of Lemuria; ‘Rise within all your greatness! Show the people, in the times of the Great Alignment, how splendid you are. I, CAEAYARON, will even help you to remember the power you had to bring all love down.

‘Then, once you have shown how solid you are, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will call my One Sacred Divine Channel, as you are asking for only ONE to come from the highest love dimensions and no more as you call it UNFAIR if more than ONE is sent from the highest love dimensions. When I, CAEAYARON rise with my One Designated Love Channel then I, CAEAYARON, will state truth.

‘I, CAEAYARON, will reveal all truth and will be calling the ones who do desire to rise back to the love. I, CAEAYARON, will gift them the gifts of eternal life and happiness when they do choose for the love flows.

'We will see what the people will choose. I, CAEAYARON, know the people’s hearts, and when they understand that I, CAEAYARON, AM the One they knew in the Ancient Times, they will open their hearts, and they will see that all I, CAEAYARON, state is truth. They will desire truth, because truth will always remain within them.’

It is so my dear friends, that only One Sacred Channel is upon your planet. This is a very difficult assignment my Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element has. It requires constant focus, dedication, commitment to the love of Divine and to the love of your people. It is only with the love within the Divine Love Element that all can rise upwards, and you have only begun to understand a fraction of ‘Truth Alignment.’


What is coming in your future will be magnificent for the ones who desire to understand this and who desire love and peace to come to your world.

The people who become Star Sacred World Healers are working on a higher path of healing. This is to help them become love within, and love within their bodies. It is to help them to grow into stronger people, into more gifted people.

I, GREAT ALIGNER, remove all their Karma; human, Lemurian and Universal Karma, as all must be cleared and aligned before the greater growth can happen.

This is more complex than you realize at this time. True transformation cannot happen, and ‘soul alignment’ cannot happen if the Universal Karma is not released.

My Divinely Activated People are placed within a higher consciousness grid created by Star Galactic Love Families, together with the Divine Love Element, which is the ‘Sacred Gateway’ upwards. This allows my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, to connect to my Universal Light Grid Programmer, through the Sacred Heart of the Crystalline Grid, to allow the Star Sacred World Healers to become more gifted within their being.

They are slowly shifting towards the higher love consciousness as their DNA path is changing, slowly. Instead of connecting to the lower, dense magnetic grids the darker beings programmed the people to be in, they are now connecting into higher magnetic consciousness love grids, slowly, allowing higher love to become a part of them.

Higher love frequencies bring up the DNA vibration, allowing them to heal transformationally collectively, into a quantum magnetic experience of love. They are collectively evolving in love flows, that only I, CAEAYARON, can give them, as I AM the MAGNETIC POWER OF LOVE. This brings transformation within the people, and they can feel the love rising, and they will continue to feel the love rising.


This is the beginning of true STAR LOVE EVOLUTION, when you can evolve back to the love dimensions. Change does not simply happen by praying, hoping or doing nothing. The higher love dimensions do not simply come to your earth. It is the people whose frequencies must change in order for the change to happen. It is your DNA path that must be reactivated back into MY DIVINE LOVE UNIVERSES in order for the higher change to happen.

For the people who keep resisting this Divine Path and claiming that other people can do my Divine Task, I say to them:

‘They are only fooling themselves if they think they have the power of my Divine Being, MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON.

'They do not understand the seriousness of these times, nor do they understand the consequences of their past actions, when they were part of the ones who brought Lemuria down in the same way.’


Understand, that once Lemuria fell down, many people began to claim they were doing the work of my three dedicated Light Grid Programmers.

It was only the three Light Grid Programmers who could activate the Life Codes within the people to help them to rise. This is why I, CAEAYARON, together with the GREAT SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, created the three Light Grid Programmers, mainly the Divine Love Element; to connect evolution to the higher consciousness love grids.

Once the people in Lemuria began to claim to be the ‘Activators’ they activated the people’s DNA into lower, denser grids.

Thus, the Codes of Life became lost, because the people believed in the egos versus the love. They desired these Activators to activate them into denser grids.

The Spin Doctor brought in tones to grid the DNA Love Codes into the Merkaba more and more, and the Activators worked along with the Spin Doctor.

Together these dark ‘Activators’ managed to remove the Codes of Love from the great majority of the Lemurians, to become a ‘sacrifice’ for the ‘Yahweh God’ or the ‘Lucifer Gateway of Darkness’; the one who swallowed the light of trillions of light beings, to become the ‘beautiful’ one and the ‘glorious’ one desiring all the worship of the universe for himself.

No longer could the people come back to the love once the people had sacrificed themselves into the Grid of Darkness, which became a large black vortex, or a ‘black hole,’ where no light could ever leave again without my, Divine Activations that I, CAEAYARON, can only do with my ONE Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer.

Such was the ‘power’ of these beings; to bring the people into the lower grids and ‘own’ them.

The rebellious ‘Activators’ of darkness began to ‘channel’ into energies not of love, like many do today upon your plane. You cannot ‘channel’ love when you have lost the ‘love codes.’ You can channel ‘memories’ but not true love. Know the memories can hold some degree of power, and these memories have helped to awaken the people towards this time when they can truly choose.


In this time upon your earth, when it is the Time of the Great Alignment, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, state, all that was done to the people in Lemuria, must be reversed.

Thus, you will see many channels and ‘activators’ rise, because through the same way the people fell, the people must also become reversed before they can become awakened to the Divine Love Universal Way. There is no other way upwards.

This is how all things are ‘steered’ and this is far greater than you realize my dear friends. Your ego however, for the great majority of people who are in the spiritual communities, will not desire to hear this information, for it is painful to many.

How can you accept you fell from the Great Codes of Life? Many believe you are ‘gods’ and are Ascending, and you do not need to do anything. All these were memories of all the old ways you were taught in the Great Consciousness Fall in Lemuria and this is how you fell away from the Great Love.

Be grateful for this time and begin to understand Divine Alignment and how it can help you to grow eternally back to the love; if you desire to grow spiritually in the love.

During the Great Fall of Lemuria, Laeyaraesea cried many tears to the Lemurians, and her mourning was heard far and wide: ‘Come back to the love my dear friends! Do not do this. Remember the ways of love. Turn back before it is too late!’

No one, other than my Divine Love Element, can channel into the true Divine Love dimensions, as she never fell from the love in all of her universal, star and earthly lifetimes, whereas the people upon your planet did.

How, then, can you claim to be a channel of true love, when your DNA is not aligned to the higher truth ways?

This must all be considered, and be chosen for, even though the ego will not desire to understand this because it was EGO that brought you to the human consciousness in the first place. This you must forgive.

I AM bringing you this message to help you awaken to these times as your eternal love existence depends on your choosing at this time.


What I, CAEAYARON, AM offering you is beyond your current understanding.

I, CAEAYARON, AM offering you:

True healing.

Greater intelligence.

Love foundations.

Star life.

Star Families of Love.

Eternal Love in the higher love dimensions.

For your life here, once you are Divinely Activated, you will have:

Greater protection.

Abundance of flows.

Love upon desiring to heal.


A stronger purpose with Divine.

You will be part of a greater collective, all working together with the Great Awakening.

You will feel frequencies of love coming within you that you have not felt since Lemuria.

You will awaken to your greater self.

You will feel your greater love selves joining you.

Your greater power will slowly awaken within you.

For the ones who become Divinely Activated before the year 2020, your blessings will be much, much greater than all other Divinely Activated people as you will have your own Creator Love Universes, if you can demonstrate Galactic Collective Love, and be part of the healing work and teaching work that is coming upon your planet.


At first, I, CAEAYARON, AM calling the ones who were in Lemuria. First it will be ones who desired the love in Lemuria, and slowly the others will come in. After 2020, other gates will open, and I, CAEAYARON will explain more at that time.

The great call for the Lemurians to come back will continue until the year 2032. Their gifts will grow, and the love flows will continue to grow upon your earth.

Once the year 2032 has passed, another transformational shift will happen.

By this time, all the most important universal knowledge will be planted within your earth grids. I, CAEAYARON, will only ever work with my Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, as this is the Divine Task designated to her.

All who work with Divine Will will be eternally blessed and know how great this work will become.

After 2032, all humans need to be reached and taught about the love flows. Huge teaching work will take place, and you will see huge transformational shifts happening. Large Galactic Star Love Teams are planning how to take this next consciousness shift upon your planet, as this work coming is crucial to all evolution within the New Universal Creation Stages.

You cannot understand the importance of your planet earth yet and of the importance of your people during the Time of the Great Awakening.

If you could understand this Time, you would not hesitate to come. You would run to the Divine Activations because you would understand how great this is for you. You would do anything for yourselves and for your families, and you would not find any excuse.

You would open your heart to my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, and say: ‘GREAT CAEAYARON, I understand who you are. I remember Lemuria, I remember who you are. Please bring me to your Divine Activations and allow my heart to open to the love. Allow me to be part of the greatest transformations to happen upon this planet.

'If it is your Divine Will, GREAT CAEAYARON, open the doors for me to come. I will allow myself to be part of the great work.’


Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Designated Channel of the GREAT SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT & THE GREAT CAEAYARON, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer of THE GREAT CAEAYARON, MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT.
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