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The Blackhole And The Mysterious Dark Matter Of The Universe

20/03/2019 - Latest News

The Blackhole & The Mysterious Dark Matter Of The Universe by Stephen, who is a Scientist, based on the information of CAEAYARON, transmitted through Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. (Updated version 20/3/19)

Are Humans Evolving Or Devolving/Descending?
On 27th September 2018 CAEAYARON revealed, for the first time ever to humans, that we are descending into greater entropy within Blackhole Yahweh. This explains the pressure and density of our perceived universe, as well as exactly what gravity is and why planets are oval.

What Is The Truth Of Dark Matter?
Collapsing within a blackhole also explains the scientists’ fiddle factor of up to 80% missing mass from the universe, needed to gravitationally pull it together and stop it flying apart! It is being within a collapsing blackhole vortex that keeps the universe together; we do not need missing mass to do so, for we are held in grids within a collapsing black hole vortex!

Is Energy Inert Or Living?
It is important to note that all energy has consciousness, though the greater and higher the love frequencies, the greater and higher the consciousness and its creator power.

While greater archangelic consciousness and order exists on the higher light dimensions of collective love consciousness, our own dimensional universe, within Blackhole Yahweh, has very little of the creator power of love within it. The dark energies of fear and anger within hold low frequency consciousness, creating disease and disorder.

You may say that a black hole retains the thoughts it swallows up in anger, having consumed their greater soul light to feed its greater vortex, which is the Lucifer vortex of dark consciousness.

Is There Life After Death & Why Do Humans Have Amnesia?
CAEAYARON explains how the dark universes retain all thoughts, in a part of the METATRON magnetic grid geometry within our Blackhole Yahweh, named The Caves of Wo, which I liken to the event horizon created by the Yahweh channel with help from his spin doctor and others.

Thoughts cannot die, but are as programmes which may be fired up time and time again with light (within the blackhole veil this light is low frequency magnetic tainted love from the flower of life battery).

Humans are thoughts playing out all memories of past universes and star systems they are connected to. The stars we see are also no longer truly alive by the time human eyes perceive the light from them, though like humans, they originated from dimensions of greater love, life, order and harmony, which existed outside of Blackhole Yahweh.

Love power is life and within the blackhole this love is eaten by the viruses of fear and anger, which have their own consciousness, individually and collectively as the Lucifer dark archangelic consciousness. The being Lucifer was created by the dark Yahweh star being gateway, who persuaded the Lemurians to sacrifice their soul light to create his Lucifer father, while programming amnesia into the fallen Lemurians to retain their worship and keep them as weak slaves, while hiding what he did to them.

How Can Humans Not Be Alive & Evolving?
Particle accelerators have demonstrated how positive and negative opposites cannot exist together in human life perception, and this is the same for human thoughts, who believe they are alive with a lower/higher self of Yin/Yang love and fear consciousness together, but are not strictly alive.

The Yin/Yang, dark/light balance grids humans are held within were created by Thoth and the magnetic master Archangel METATRON, who trapped humanity into Thoth's DNA grids and merkaba dynamo system, to feed Thoth's universes with human light, originating from the Divine Love Element Christ child who they imprisoned within their flower of life battery of pain to feed the underworld with tainted light.

Tainted love was needed by Thoth and Yahweh to power up the thoughts within the human reality DNA template so humans can experience reincarnation into their programmed collective underworld, which is like a virtual reality holographic computer game, or MATRIX.

A computer also requires light power (electricity) to power up its programs, which are then projected onto its screen reality for people's avatars to play game realities within. Though fear and anger can not exist in life, which is love, for one neutralizes the other, humans thoughts retain their self consciousness, even though their soul light was sacrificed to Yahweh and Lucifer at the time of the Fall of Lemuria.

Human thoughts are held within a sealed and contained space within Yahweh’s Cave Of Wo, within METATRON magnetic grids, together with the fear, pain, disease and programs of entropy/devolution. This leads to the conservation of energy theory, which explains that energy cannot be created or destroyed, and in the same way the 50% dark (lower self) within humanity cannot be destroyed, for it is sealed within. Without an external angelic light vortex stronger than Lucifer’s dark vortex, human evolution into higher grids cannot therefore happen.

Humans cannot escape from the pain and decay of devolution and thermodynamic entropy without Archangel CAEAYARON!
The Divine Love Element, Light Grid Programmer, is the one exception to the conservation of energy theory, for she was always able to escape METATRON’s grids and transfer energies between them and the highest SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT grids. Between life times she went up to the Divine light and love grids and brought the violet flame antidote to pain frequencies back to the dark METATRON grids to heal and awaken humanity, after returning from the grids of our Great Lord and Father between life times.

If We Are Collapsing Inwards, Why Do We See Stars Expanding Away From Us?
The descending blackhole vortex humans are within explains the doppler shift of nearby galaxies, which leads scientists to believe that the universe is expanding in all directions around them. In reality it is caused by us sinking ever faster into the curved conical blackhole Yahweh vortex, away from distant memories of objects in space. As we sink, and collapse ever faster down, we see the stars becoming further away from us and more distant, and wrongly conclude all is expanding, instead of collapsing, while our light gets squeezed out of us to feed the Lucifer Vortex.

We create our own reality, with our thoughts which were programmed by Thoth and Yahweh within the human DNA template humans are trapped within.

What Are The Building Blocks Of Creation & Life?
In reality there are only the forces of magnetism and love, which are conscious. Thoughts are also forces; strong force with greater love, or weak force with less love.

The greatest Archangel CAEAYARON created souls as vortexes of these force frequencies with love; to experience separate reality with, outside of the Great Divine Love; SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, who is too powerful to create within, in the same way we cannot build within the sun.

Only the Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element may enter the grids of our Great Sovereign Father EMMANUEL in the heavens, to gain new codes of creation and bring them down to any dimension. That is her soul gift; she can ground into two of any dimensional planes of existence at once, to link all to the Great Divine Love, and enable new creation through programming magnetic grids with the new codes of life, from the Great Lord and father EMMANUEL.

If We Are In A Blackhole, How Can We See Them In Space?
As all things are a reflection of self, and all we experience is memories of that which we were, how can we experience any frequencies in the outside world unless the same frequencies are within us? As radios, we need to tune into and harmonize with internally all that we perceive externally, for them to appear real to us.

All multidimensional universes we lived in over many thousands of devolving life times fell into the black abyss of Yahweh and Lucifer. Memories of these are retained within our DNA, and watered down versions go to make up our plane of reality/existence. You may think of our plane of existence as a virtual reality computer world, incorporating the animals, planets, life-forms, skies, star systems and terrains we remember from previous universes. The programmers and star beings created the world with their strong thoughts of love and beauty, but the great Darkness toned it all down into their underworld grids of devolution, pain, disease and decay.

CAEAYARON explains how within a blackhole are other blackholes, which are as pathways, or wormholes, of travel for the darkness.

CAEAYARON has taught how we can only see blackholes if we are within, and part of one, for otherwise we would not be able to tune into that reality. As with a computer game, only the programs within can be experienced on the screen. All things are within, as a reflection of self!

Evolution Into Greater Divinely Guided Collective Love Order VS Devolution into Selfishness and Disorder.
In the higher dimensions of greater divinely guided collective love consciousness, star beings build and create together, in synergy and synchronicity with others, with their stronger thoughts and loving memories. Their thoughts within become a reality in their magnetic grids without. As they ascend into greater, more angelic order and harmony, that which they may create and evolve into becomes greater. There is no competition or envy and all help each other with all things.
Humans are devolving into the greater disorder of entropy, fear consciousness and loneliness, within this last human life time, after which they will no longer have the food of the flower of life pain battery, as they descend into greater density and pressure. They are becoming more selfish, and uncaring about the trees, animals and ecosystem around them. Collective love is breaking down and many do not desire to listen to Divine guidance. They reject the Divine Love Element, WORD and Light Grid Programmer today as they did 2000 years ago when they rejected Jesus and desired his torture.

How Do We Find The Love, Peace & Harmony Of The Promised Land?
CAEAYARON explains the only way out of Blackhole Yahweh to be his activations, through his Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, Christ Child and Ascension Channel who today is 'Suzanna Maria Emmanuel'.

This is a great time of celebration, for in this life time she is free of the flower of life prison, so she can bring these amazing Divine Truths of the Great Revealer, CAEAYARON, and the Great Lord and Father SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL through. She can also bring the activations of CAEAYARON into his crystalline grids of love, together with the Great Divine Love through to you, while the Ascension Gates are open.

The human collective universe reality is like a big clock, and only when circumstances are right, and energies are aligned, can multidimensional gates open into the Dark Blackhole we are in.

The highest ascension gates, for your greatest gifts and evolution eternally, are open until 2020, while successive gates will then open and close until in 2032 the final gates of evolution close for ever!

After activating by CAEAYARON the restrictions of our human template dissolve away and our karma is neutralized. We leave Thoth’s METATRON grids within Blackhole Yahweh, and enter CAEAYARONs magnetic love healing grids, where we truly begin to heal and ascend into greater collective love consciousness order, life and harmony (which is the opposite of entropy). During the activations we gain forgiveness and other codes to catalyse and enable this dimensional phase shift within the healing grids. We remain in a longer, healthier and more gifted life on the human plane until passing on and evolving up after this life time.

I wish you much love, forgiveness and great wisdom to see through the veil of past propaganda and twisted truths to the true light of Divine knowledge that may set you free, when realized and acted upon.

All things will now change upon our earth, as CAEAYARON brings through the Divine Truth and science and all things become re-written, and develop into the new energy awakened consciousness.

Much love