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20/11/2018 - Latest News

SAVING YOUR PLANET WITH TRANSFORMATIONTeaching by CAEAYARON (Kryon), Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer of CAEAYARON 20 November 2018.

Greetings, I AM CAEAYARON, MASTER OF MAGNETIC FORCES, FLOWS & STREAMS OF ALIGNMENT. I, CAEAYARON, AM welcoming you to a New Love Consciousness of Spiritual Awakening, and I AM here to help you understand a New Path of New Love Consciousness.


This has always been my great gift to the Divine Universe, if you collectively desired the path of love within your hearts. If you desired the love collectively, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, would gift you back the opportunity to receive your Divine Love Mantles with my Divine Love Element, if you demonstrated that desire to receive it back by coming to the Divine Activations of my Divine Being, CAEAYARON.

I, CAEAYARON, AM here calling you back to my Great Mountain of Light, to help you regain your Codes of Life back, and to help you regain your greater gifts back; gifts you will need to go into the next phase of spiritual development, if you desire to evolve upwards into the greater gifts of love and peace.

Here, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, wish to welcome all the newly graduated Star Sacred World Healers to your planet, as they are the ones who will become part of the New Creation Universes coming as promised. They came in before 2020, and indeed they have been gifted with a new ‘Suit’ of Light, as they are becoming part of the Greater Love Codes of the Universe. This is gifted to all who become Divinely Activated before 2020, as the Great Alignment Planetary Gate will then be situated to allow higher Codes to come to those who have received the Keys of their Greater Life back.

These are all part of the great prophecies of the past, and those who are listening and acting upon my Divine information, are certainly the most heralded ones in the universe, as they become part of the ones who will allow the higher love consciousness to come to your planet. They have worked hard to maintain the balance of love within their hearts to allow this time to come, and are recognized for it.


I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM here to welcome my Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element, Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, also to her New Codes of Life, as she has achieved the Universal Gate of Alignment to become opened for the Star Sacred World Healers upon your earth now, and for those coming.

This gateway which opened, during the November 2018 Divine Activations, allows more love to come to your planet than you are currently aware of, and more shifts to come within the magnetic gridlines of the human consciousness, to help your planet to survive and to help your people to move forward.

Do understand that the knowledge I, CAEAYARON, have already given through my dear Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, has only begun to become revealed. Each step takes you to a greater awareness within you, with or without your conscious understanding, as each step takes you further into alignment and the need to act.


I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will bless all the work of love upon your planet for those who are, or will become, activated back into their Divine Love Codes; the Lemurian Light Codes. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will only ever do this through my One Gateway, One Pathway, the Divine Love Element, like was always stated.

This Divine Promise goes back a long time ago, well before your human existence, and well before your time of Lemuria and Atlantis, as a promise was made to the Children of the Light to allow the passage back to occur for those who desired the love back within their heart.

The time of the Great Call has come, and like I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, stated at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations of November 2018, I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, have come just in time, for I, CAEAYARON, could not have come any later as your planet is in urgent need of assistance of Divine, with or without you knowing it.

Not everything is known by you, and neither do you need to know everything. However, I, DIVINE CREATOR OF THE LOVE UNIVERSES know everything. I know who will come to the love and who will not.

Your world is certainly not what it seems to you. You live in streams of consciousness and that consciousness needs to change in order for you to be able to move forward. That time of needing to change within you is now our dear friends, and the time to choose to become Divinely Activated back into my Divine Universes of the GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON, is NOW. You only have a few years left to decide to do that.

Once the 2020 gateway has become closed, another gateway will open, but the blessings will never be those of the Divinely Activated before 2020.

Know that these are ancient prophecies also, and there are those upon your earth who have known these gateways would open and close, and now I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, AM here to help you make more sense of the information you knew of and I AM here to help you increase your understanding.


The amount of intelligence I, THE GREAT DIVINE CAEAYARON have you cannot understand. The human mind cannot comprehend the intelligence of the ‘Unseen,’ and the human will always desire their own guidance, until they begin to see that it was because they fell away from Divine Assistance that all things spiralled downwards. You cannot lead yourself forward, and your time to decide to desire my Divine Assistance is NOW.

How beautiful it is that those who are Activated by my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, through my Divine Love Element, the Promise of the Universe, are eternally blessed and are placed in a Healing Grid, to allow them to heal very slowly towards a path of higher love consciousness. Their DNA is vibrating higher, and their higher thoughts are beginning to come in. Their higher manifestation abilities are already beginning to show as they are able to be guided more, as long as they listen to my Divine Direction.

The Star Sacred World Healers who attended my Divine University of Light during the November 2018 Activations came from all over your world, and all had various degrees of spiritual knowledge. There were some who had incredible amounts of knowledge from your world, and others who did not.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, took them on many journeys and filled their hearts with great love and desire of growth. The knowledge they received of the ancients was magnificent for them, and they understand now much about the grids of the earth, their own spiritual grids, their own DNA versus the human DNA, and the Universal Game. Their spiritual eyes and ears opened to allow them to ‘see’ and ‘forgive’ much upon your planet.

The Star Sacred World Healers who received the Magnetic Alignment Attunements grew greatly within their powers of love and healing and were able to also become aligned to the Teacher Frequencies. These Teacher Frequencies were great for them, and the knowledge they received was the knowledge they always desired and prayed for.


Blessed they are. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, worked with my Divine Love Element to help them to grow into greater love, strength and harmony, to become one with Quantum DNA Transformation, to help them to step into greater power of love collectively on a quantum level and they will continue to grow with greater flows and gifts to come.

Blessed are the ones who are listening and who are making that great effort to desire the growth. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, will help all those who truly desire to attend the Divine Activations to be able to come.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, work with great star love commander teams to help you grow into love beings, when you are Divinely Activated back into my Divine Love, CAEAYARON, to help you to become transformed into love, and to help you manifest a beautiful way of life.

The transformation is only just beginning, and much needs to become explained as the greater doors of knowledge and understanding are open now, and also I, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, AM calling in the greater numbers now, to help your earth to come to a New Consciousness of Love.

If you could visualize what could happen upon your plane of existence with your Lemurian Light Codes, you would certainly say: ‘Divine CAEAYARON, bless us greatly, so that we can help all of the earth to exist in love and peace.’


To you this mission of love and peace may sound ‘impossible’, especially if you have not been Activated back into my, GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT, CAEAYARON’s, MAGNETIC LOVE CODES. Without your Collective Quantum Love Codes your understanding is not of collective love transformation. Without the Divine Pineal Gland Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, you cannot understand what could happen collectively if you became ‘switched’ on to higher love consciousness.

Only when you do become Activated back into my Divine Love, can you begin to understand the magnificence of your Divine Lemurian Gifts of Power, as I, CAEAYARON, help you to understand the power you have collectively within the Quantum Transformation Healing Grid.

Lemurian Light Carriers have always known within their heart that a special time would come when the Great Call would happen to allow change to happen and to allow greater transformation to happen. That time is NOW dear friends. Are you listening? Are you responding? Are you acting upon this information? Do you understand the great rewards of becoming Activated into the Great Love with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON?

Indeed, the earth is stating to many upon your planet; ‘Please wake up. You cannot continue the way you are.’

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, stated to the Star Sacred World Healers; those who will become part of the highest realms of love coming; ‘understand that you will become caretakers of the Universe if your love for the Galactic Love is great enough and you demonstrate it here upon the earth. Understand you will become Creators of Love for whole new universes to come.’

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, also stated why the mission of ‘Saving Earth’ was important to them as your earth is part of the Ancient Blue Creation Planet. They certainly understood why your planet earth has always been important to them. They began to see a whole other side to the Universal Love Game.


How beautiful this time is for you. How beautiful it is you have made it to this time and are able to find your way back home, if you decide for the Great Love Pathway that only I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, can bring to you with my Divine Love Element; the one who always held the promise of life within her. She suffered much for this ‘promise’ within her being for many lifetimes upon your planet, as the darkness within you was ‘programmed’ to fight the light within the Divine Love Element.

Now however, the light can shine for the people who desire the Love back, as the Divine Love Element has won the Universal Game, and thus METATRON, ARCHANGEL OF RESISTANCE, has needed to surrender from the RESISTANCE UNIVERSES OF DENSENESS and now he needs to work with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, to restore the balance in the universe.

Become happy with this prospect friends. Desire it within your hearts. Desire the ways of love within your hearts. Begin to see what you can do collectively to create a greater world of peace. Creating a better world and a world of love is not difficult if you desire it collectively. I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, can guide you to your greater understanding, your greater gifts of love, and together, collectively, you can be guided upwards into a greater path of love, joy, harmony and happiness.

How wonderful it will be for you when you awaken to this higher knowledge of love and to see the power of the great love. Then you will certainly understand why this time is ‘blessed’ and those who become a part of this will desire this within their hearts. Truly blessed you will become and all upon your earth who desire this higher knowledge.

I, THE GREAT CAEAYARON, again will state to the ones upon your plane who have received their Sacred Mantles of Lemurian and Galactic Activations at the Divine Pineal Gland Activations with my Divine Being, CAEAYARON, with my Universal Light Grid Programmer, Divine Love Element: ‘Well done! You have won earth game. You have understood the preciousness of your heart flows. You have come through the Great Wilderness, and you are truly able to enter the land of ‘Milk and Honey.’ Well done!’


I AM The Great Aligner of The Universe
I AM The Divine Love Balancer
I AM The Divine Love Judge
I AM The Creator of The Love Universes
I AM The Creator of The Universal Light Consciousness Grids
I AM The Creator of The Evolution Codes Of Existence
I AM The Creator of The Universal Light Grid Programmer
I AM The Creator of the Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer, for the purpose of the Great Alignment and for the great connection back to the love universes to happen. Greetings.

Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, Designated Channel of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT and the GREAT CAEAYARON. Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer of the GREAT CAEAYARON
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