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22/02/2019 - Latest News

RID YOUR CROSSES From the book of SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, Transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel 22 February 2019.

Dear Readers, please feel welcome to read through this article. This book, from SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, will be released soon.

Namaste, much love, angel heart hugs, always, and tonnes of strength for forgiveness,

Suzanna Maria Emmanuel
Designated Ascension Channel, Divine Love Element, The Word, Universal Light Grid Programmer for SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT & CAEAYARON, THE GREAT MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT

“Greetings, I AM SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT. You are certainly in a time of learning and understanding. Happy you are when you celebrate this time of higher knowledge.

Jesus was always an honest hearted man and spoke to the people much about the freedom coming. He knew it was not right to bring worship to another, or to have items for worship.

He always stated, ‘When you work with THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, know that HE does not need to have service, or your worship. He does not desire your worship for HE desires you to be in the love. HE does not desire you to have an idol either, for what do idols do for HIM? HE states, not to have idols for worship, but to be within the heart.

The heart you have is more beautiful than you know, and all secrets are within the heart. When you understand this, that is when all blessings can come to you, for THE GREAT FATHER knows all HIS children, and will leave none behind.

The GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL does not desire you to recite the same passages over and over again either, or remember many passages to speak to others, for that is not what THE GREAT FATHER desires. HE desires your heart to speak to HIM because of HIS Great Love for you.

Therefore, always be in the great forgiveness, and be in the love, for it is about the heart pathway. The heart speaks to THE GREAT FATHER. Passages in the books do not speak to THE GREAT FATHER, for they do not originate from THE GREAT FATHER.

The old ways of truth are of the heart. In the ancient times the people spoke with the heart. Now learn to speak again with the heart to THE GREAT FATHER. Do not fear HIM. Approach HIM with the Great Love. Do not think HE will bring judgement to you, for HE will not, for judgement is not within HIM.

When you speak to HIM, speak truth to HIM. Nothing is hidden from HIM. Therefore, when you speak to HIM, speak with your heart of love. Share with HIM how much you appreciate all HE does for all of creation. Share with HIM how much you love HIM for everything HE does. Share with HIM your concerns. Nothing is too large or too small for HIM. Do not think you are not enough for HIM, for HE loves all. The more humble a heart is, the more the heart can love HIS Great Ways of Wisdom.’

These were the teachings of Jesus, 2000 years ago. It was indeed important in those days for the people to recognize the higher path of communication. Jesus showed it was not necessary to remember text, or passages from the books. He showed it was not necessary to have idols for communication, to bring them closer to THE FATHER or to bring worship to HIM. HE knew worship was not what I, THE GREAT FATHER, desired. He showed the people that I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, invite the people to speak to me in the heart of love.

Jesus understood this well, and he also understood the higher New Path was simpler than all the old traditions which had complexities within them. He was there to show them freedom from the old path and how they could move onto the new path.

He knew well that THE FATHER EMMANUEL was separate from him. Jesus knew that he was not part of THE GREAT FATHER, though he also understood that all of creation was part of THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL for HE created all. Therefore, he did not believe in the ‘trinity,’ or that he was part of the ‘trinity.’

Jesus knew that THE GREAT FATHER spoke through him to bring the people messages. He knew he was called to be The Word, and he was sent by Divine to bring the people the understanding of a whole new path forward.

Jesus knew also the danger of worship as many desired to have worship and demanded worship. It was easy, in those days, to begin to worship another but Jesus showed it was important not to do that. He showed that Archangels are not to be worshipped either.

He showed all that was owed to ‘Caesar’ needed to be paid back, as that was the ruling authority in those days. The people understood respect also for authority, but also not to fall further into their rule. As they began to awaken more they began to open up more and desired more freedom.

I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, will state how the trinity does not exist in my eyes as the GREAT DIVINE, for those were false teachings. Jesus was The Word of Divine, and I, THE GREAT FATHER, AM the GREAT FATHER OF ALL OF CREATION.

The darkness placed their ‘truths’ within the churches to keep the people imprisoned, away from Divine Truth. They created the ‘lie’ of the trinity with their father, son and holy spirit.

Their father was Lucifer, as Lucifer they worship and bring honour to. Each person who died in the name of ‘God’ was a sacrifice to Lucifer, thus, his worship grew greater. Yahweh, the being who created Lucifer, was given the earth to play upon, promising Lucifer, his ‘father’ to bring the people into the darkness, to bring sacrifices to Lucifer forever and ever to ‘glorify’ him in his ‘holy’ name.

I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, state how these belief systems need to be changed upon your planet as they have caused much pain. This pain has caused, and is causing, many people to go further within their pain because they do not see the importance of the lifetime of Jesus and now when The Word has returned to your planet.

Jesus was a man of truth and of the heart. He did not desire worship, and yet, many people have and are worshipping him. Because he was tortured by the darkness, and the people chose for that, it was considered a large ‘sacrifice’ for Lucifer. This gave Lucifer and Yahweh greater power because the people desired, once again, for the ‘death’ of the Divine Love Element; that being Jesus in those days.

In the churches they began to create the scene that Jesus died for the sins of the people. He was placed on a cross symbolizing his torture. The darkness knew this ‘sacrificial lamb’ gave Lucifer much power as this was the Divine Love Element who was sacrificed by the people to Lucifer.

I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, state how Jesus escaped death that day of his torture, and I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT state, how the people need to rid their crosses, which are torture instruments.

How can the people state that Jesus sacrificed himself for the sins of the people, when Jesus always stated that I, THE GREAT FATHER, do not see any sin within the people?

But the people, 2,000 years ago, needed to learn to walk the higher way of love in order to come back to the love realms, as they do now also.

The ‘lamb,’ Jesus, lost much power in those days as the Divine Love Element, as again the people desired his death as a great collective. Many sided with the large crowd who desired his death because of large fear. Large arguments rose later as the people began to understand.

Many people felt threatened if they did not side with the ‘authorities,’ and already the persecutions were great in those days. What would they do? This was difficult for the people and many mourned their actions afterwards.

Know, Jesus tried hard to comfort them after the crucifixion upon returning to them. He stated, ‘Be in the forgiveness. At times the fear comes within you so greatly that you do not know what you are doing. Go in the forgiveness and give it to the GREAT FATHER. You are not judged because of your actions on that day, for how can THE GREAT FATHER judge you?

I will heal. I am but a man, but I will heal. Will you heal, however? That will be more difficult for you. Be in the peace dear brothers and sisters. I do not desire you to be in the pain because of that day but I cannot take that choice away from you. That is something you must do for yourselves.’

Know, Jesus was sad the people turned against him and my Divine Being, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT. On that day, he could not believe they turned against him so quickly and easily.

Still, he quickly forgave them as he did not hold the grudges but the deep pain he still needed to forgive greatly. In that lifetime he learned how quickly the people can turn against the love. Anger he held not for that day.

The suffering which followed those times of Jesus was immense, as Lucifer gained power through the churches and the Yahweh being played on the sins of the people and the uncleanliness of the people.

During the reign of the churches they gained more and more blood, which was power for the Lucifer and Yahweh reign. This built up greater to fight the light with. Many people were gridded into the deeper density and suffered greatly in the spirit dimensions.

As the church taught about hellfire and the people truly believed it, it could so be created within the minds of the spirit people. Upon their return on the planet this pain would strengthen, and greater wars broke out, because the people were imprisoned within the mind, body and spirit dimensions.

I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, state how this is not for creation to suffer with. When are the people going to awaken? They see the beauty of the torture of Jesus. They worship him everyday for their salvation. They claim that Lucifer is great and mighty, and that Jesus was the son of Lucifer.

All these things are lies of the darkness. They claim that Jesus was the sacrifice for the people, but in truth, Lucifer wanted him sacrificed to himself, to gain greater power with. Each time a person prayed to Jesus on the torture instrument, Lucifer extracted more power from the Flower of Life, which was the prison of the spirit of the Divine Love Element; the Holy Spirit according to the churches.

All this led the people into greater pain. The people of Lemuria were often thought of as the Jewish people, which they were, and because they were the Light Code Carriers the darkness feared them and they became the target. Each time the Yahweh rulership came back to your planet, the Jewish community was punished greatly for it. Each time they would be seen as unclean and unworthy.

I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, state, all this ‘hate’ needs to stop as this was a complete lie. I, THE GREAT FATHER, can speak like this, though the GREAT CAEAYARON, being the Neutral Judge cannot.

I, THE GREAT FATHER EMMANUEL, love all people, and I love all the people who were part of the Lemurians. No one, in my eyes, is seen as dirty, or less than others. I, THE GREAT FATHER, do not desire to see any pain within anyone, and certainly not the people who can still rise to become strong in your day now.

During World War II, this one, who had taken all the universes down with his ‘Satan’ choice and Lucifer, who was the same one as created the downfall for millions of Lemurians into his deep abyss status, again rose, to bring large agony to the Jewish people, and those who tried to protect them. He built large armies up and had the church by his side; building the greater powers in your world.

He desired to bring an end to any peace that was upon your planet and desired all to be part of the lower realms. He desired his Lucifer Reign. How mighty he felt. How grand he felt, bringing ‘punishments’ and ‘lessons’ to those he hated the most; the Light Code Carriers of Lemuria.

I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, state how wrong it is to judge anyone, especially the people who were the Lemurians. In my eyes, they are seen as the ones who can bring love to your planet. They still hold that ability to choose for the greater path collectively.

There are many others upon your planet who were pulled into the dark abyss states who were not part of the Lemurians, and they cannot gain their Light Codes, and they cannot be part of the Lemurian High Love Dimensions; as they were not part of the high loving universes originally.

Stop judgement upon your planet and begin to see how beautiful all is. Every person upon your planet is beautiful. Release all that needs to be released.

How he, the one who brought his power to bring punishment to the Lemurians, still desired to build his master race, like the darkness desired in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, to overthrow the light universes with.

How mighty he was, and how mighty he fell. I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, state how it is now time for all to be seen and all to be forgiven, to bring a whole new episode to your earth; that of, bringing love and peace to your planet, and learning the ways of forgiveness.

Stop fighting against each other and learn the ways of love. Stop bringing the hate against each other and learn to be in the peace.

Warriors of Light, if you knew how much power Divine could give you at this time collectively, you would not hesitate to hear The Word speaking to you. You would welcome her in your heart, and say to Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, ‘Speak to us, let us hear for ourselves. Let us feel your channel opening and let us open our hearts to the new waves of light coming to our planet.’

When the people would feel those flows and recognize them, they would say, ‘Suzanna, we are ready to come to THE GREAT CAEAYARON, THE MOUNTAIN OF LIGHT. Bring those Activations to us. Let CAEAYARON bring the healings to us, so we may awaken slowly to our greater gifts.

May we gently be guided back to the love so that we fear no more, neither will we suffer any more. Let CAEAYARON teach us how to bring love and change to our planet, so that truly we can step into our greater promise. May all ancient prophecies be fulfilled. Let us create a new beginning.’

And so it is. I, SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT, will state to the people, ‘Happy are those who desire those times to come, when millions desire to be gathered into ‘The Great Mountain of Light.’ Let the gifts return to the people. Let the people celebrate the New Age of the New Creation Universes. Let the Rising of the Light truly begin within their hearts.’

Greetings, I AM SOVEREIGN LORD EMMANUEL THE GREAT. I AM here to bring your eternal love, and the good news of the New Creation in all the higher universes coming.”

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