Vision: To heal fear and pain and bring love & joy to all people & cultures collectively

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Light VS Dark Oneness.

20/02/2019 - Kryon vs CAEAYARON


As the Light Channel rises, so too does the Great Dark Pretender. In this time of the Ascension Programme of the earth it is important to understand the agendas of the one light and one dark gateway, for the CHOICE all need to make in this life time.

The Divine light and love always seeks to builds your light and love and freedom, while asking you to protect your energy, so you can create your hearts desire in synergy, harmony and synchronicity, within the guidance of the collective love consciousness oneness. Ascended beings are light beings who enjoy freedom.

The darkness desires your imprisonment into the greater density and gravity of its dark blackhole Lucifer veil. As those who choose this option descend from the light, the Darkness can then squeeze more light out of them to feed the Lucifer vortex, rendering them denser and in need of heavier skeletal frames. The Darkness always twists the Divine words and seeks to built its own energies through taking yours, which it asks you to shine out, unprotected. It desires you enslaved in its soup of totalitarianism (total Arianism) oneness.

Only Divine Truth may set you free. Please be in the great love and forgiveness always
