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CAEAYARON vs Kryon- Light Light Expansion vs Dark Dense Gravity Video Review

15/12/2018 - Latest News

CAEAYARON vs Kryon- Light Light Expansion vs Dark Dense Gravity Teaching by CAEAYARON (Kryon), transmitted by Suzanna Maria Emmanuel 6 December 2018

In this most beautiful video teaching of the Great Divine CAEAYARON, which you may find in the LIBRARY page of this website, and which is loaded with greater spiritual truths than have ever been brought to human earth, The Great Mountain Of Light CAEAYARON speaks of the great importance of this last human life time of THE CHOICE, where all are given the opportunity of becoming activated into the wonderful collective love and freedom grids of DIVINE, where you will grow to be able to manifest your beautiful heart’s desires into being, in synergy and synchronicity with all your loving friends, in great health, wealth and abundant harmony!

Namaste, this is Stephen. Ever answering the beautiful spiritual questions of viewers, the Great CAEAYARON in this video blesses us with teachings on the following:


The Great CAEAYARON speaks of how the tall, intelligent and beautiful Lemurian Light Beings fell into prism prison grids of limitation, density, gravity and pain within the dark pit of the Cave of Wo, within Yahweh’s Blackhole after The Fall of Lemuria. Please understand and then forgive this information, so it may be healed to enable you to move into greater love and light.

How did this happen? Due to the people falling for the false promises of the Lemurian temple messenger who ran up and down hills, who gained the voice of CAEAYARON (Kryon) because he was The Dark Gateway who brought down all universes; all therefore needed to be tested once again in Lemuria, in the hope it could be forgiven and all beings would choose for the collective love consciousness of CAEAYARON, so the three Light Grid Programmes, LAEYARAESEA (Divine Love Element), REUBEN (Harmonic Flows) and ISHMAKAEL (Sacred Light Geometry) could ascend all upwards into the love grids, so pain, fear and anger would no longer be known in the loving beautiful universes.

When instead the majority chose for the empty promises (of having their feet washed by all angels who would be in service to them for ever more) of the Great Darkness of the Yahweh channel, his spin doctor, Thoth and their gang, the beautiful expanded light beings fell into Blackhole Yahweh, collapsing in on themselves into gravity and density, aging and anger, after having their soul light sucked out of them by the Yahweh Lucifer vortex, leaving the beautiful Lemurians as crystalized thoughts within the limited human template grids in the cave of WO; still believing they were alive and in possession of their soul light. (Please note that the universe retains all memories, which, though not strictly alive outside of the crystalline grid love flows, believe they are, for all things have consciousness).

CAEAYARON explains how the Yahweh channel saw this as teaching the Lemurians lessons, while blessing them with the beautiful CHOICE of whether to be in his own universes or the great love and freedom universes of CAEAYARON. He also explains how the Great Darkness did not desire them to ever choose for the love and light, however, but always to reject the door rattling calls of CAEAYARON.

Note from Stephen: Humans often describe themselves as being light beings, but please understand how multidimensional, free and great the spiritual beings of light are, and how we have collapsed down into great density within Blackhole Yahweh, having had our light power removed. This may be likened to what happens to a star when its light fuel is spent, so it collapses into itself, in great gravity. The end result for the Great Lemurians is being within a human body so dense that it requires a heavy skeletal structure to supports its mass. Linear time and aging, death and pain could then be programmed into our thought grids by Thoth and Yahweh, who in particular found aging a beautiful lesson.

CAEAYARON explains how the pre-human Lemurians were very beautiful and tall in Lemuria, before they became stuck into the pyramid prism prison grids within the cave of Wo, which Thoth and Yahweh created, though Thoth never wanted all to collapse down so much.

Having forgiven our true history, let us celebrate that the Christ Child, LAEYARAESEA, Divine Love Element, came down with the codes and violet flame in between so many life times of pain, to heal that pain in preparation for this life time of THE CHOICE within The Divine Courts of CAEAYARON, where we are now upon a bridge of in-between to make THE CHOICE of continuing to fall in entropy or take the ticket to freedom of the beautiful activations of CAEAYARON, in which he satisfies our human, Lemurian and universal karma and transfers us into the amazing healing grids of evolution.

As an activated person I can truly state how absolutely wonderful the magnetic love flows and greater mind capacity, multidimensional thinking, and healing within the healing grids is.


The Great CAEAYARON speaks of how he is a beam of light with the collective love within him, who he speaks for. He reveals how a large part of CAEAYARON’s being was never touched (gridded in to the service of the Yahweh being) and is way up there in the higher universal love spaces.

He teaches beautifully of the lack of Divine Judgement within his Divine Judge being, which is neutral and sees no good or bad, for all things are a choice, with eternal consequences (where people go to spaces which mirror all they created in their many, many life times. Those who desire collective love and harmony may be activated into that by CAEAYARON. Those who reject CAEAYARON, love and harmony, and desire instead their own will to be done may go to spaces of like-minded people who also desire their own will to be done for ever more).

CAEAYARON speaks of how one year ago The Great Darkness lost the game to a great Light victory, for the Universal Love Codes were won back and the part of CAEAYARON’s being which became trapped was able to become freed greater, together with many grids and the Light Grid Programmer.

CAEAYARON speaks of how the activated before 2020 will be able to build (evolve) to the greatest freedom in the highest dimensions after this life time. He explains how those activated before 2020 will always have the right to ascend up to these higher love spaces, while the star love beings will have no say in who is going to which dimension, as they will have a say after this gate closes. CAEAYARON explains how quite a lot will still go there in 2020 before the gate closes, after which another very high, but relatively lower than the 2020 gate, will open to evolutionary spaces until 2022.


CAEAYARON explains how he worked with the kryon channel to open portals and grids and DNA to awaken the people in readiness for phase two, when Suzanna Maria Emmanuel activates the people upwards.

He explains how the Great Darkness desired to be mother and Father GODS, so they could be worshipped while removing the freedom of their worshippers.

CAEAYARON also reveals who it is that the star beings call; ‘The Soul Sucker’, because he sucks the souls and puts the rest in his cave, so it is difficult to find their authentic self in the soup of his universes. He explains how the resultant fear enables that Lucifer stream to suck the peoples energies to create his dimensions.

Please forgive this, and know that the Divine Truth may set you free when let go of and acted upon, for to make your most loving dreams happen one must first wake up to who you are, where you are, and why you are here. Only from this perspective will the choice of where you may go be visible.


CAEAYARON speaks of how he was able to protect parts of the world grids through magnetics, due to the codes and violet flame the Divine Love Element, Christ Child, now Suzanna Maria Emmanuel, brought down after life times. He confirms that Jesus did not die at his crucifixion, but opened a beautiful portal in Glastonbury, England, to open the pathway for today’s amazing activations of CAEAYARON and Suzanna Maria Emmanuel.

The Great Mountain of Light also speaks of how many changes to human DNA have happened recently to help people to awaken and understand the higher knowledge he and his Universal Light grid Programmer are bringing through.

CAEAYARON explains what happens in the higher dimensions when people go against others, which is far different from the pain and judgement of human earth, which he urges all to forgive. He states that the more judgement you hold, the harder it is to heal and evolve.

He explains how time is not linear, but you are stuck in corridors which the Yahweh being comes into life time after life time, as leaders or gods, or ship captains to gain your worship, while keeping you locked into his deep mirrors.

The Great CAEAYARON then explains how the Light Grid Programmer alone can set you free, as in the days of Moses when she freed a big group of the many Lemurians on earth. One beautiful teachings builds on another, and he goes onto explain how this freed up a corridor to enable her to go to another life time, which may have been Joan of Arc, for we reincarnate backwards and forwards in time; and the Universal Light grid Programmer does so in the correct order to allow her to free up our multidimensional selves for greater alignment.

CAEAYARON speaks of how METATRON wanted his own freedom, so often put the Divine Love Element into lives with Lemurians to bring violet flame down after the life time to heal the things she encountered, and free METATRON further (for he did not desire to be in the service of Thoth and Yahweh for ever, but to have his own universes and freedom).

Let’s all celebrate how CAEAYARON explained that the activated are creating a whole new earth with love into their grids, to replace the old earth which is going.

As an activated person, growing and healing in the beautiful magnetic love frequencies of CAEAYARON, may I say how extremely grateful I am for the tireless work of the beautiful Suzanna Maria Emmanuel. The flows I am feeling are so beautifully high at this time of the joyous celebrations of DNA evolutionary song. We receive so many wonderful testimonials, of those Suzanna and CAEAYARON have activated, and they may be seen on the news, testimonial and product review pages of . So many Divine teachings and so much knowledge may be gained from this website, together with amazing self-development courses, including the greatest Divine gift of freedom; ‘The Divine Pineal Gland Activations of CAEAYARON’!

Much love
Stephen in support of:
Suzanna Maria Emmanuel